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Sean Kav ’16

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Tufts chapter.

Name: Sean Kavanagh, “Kav”

Grade: Freshman

Hometown: San Francisco, California

Sport: Hockey



Tell us about your average day at Tufts.

Wake up no earlier than 10am, look at myself in the mirror for while, don’t usually talk to others before 1pm, quick beach body workout, play Chell with Luke for 2-3 hours, visit Idah at Hogdon. I’m busy.


Sports Illustrated Swimsuit just came out. If you could choose a model to go out with, who would you choose and why?

Alex Morgan-done. She’s a rocket and plays soccer so that just about does it for me.


So tell us, are you single, taken, complicated…?



What qualities do you look for in a girl?

She has to understand my vocabulary, must be very sarcastic, and funny for a girl.


What are the deal breakers?

She can’t be dust.


If you could be a celebrity for a day, who would you be?

Obviously Tim Riggins



Do you have anyone you look up to at Tufts?

I model my life after Shawn Power even though I am much bigger than him.


What astrological sign are you?

Big dipper


What’s the craziest thing you have done?

Tufts girls wouldn’t talk to me ever again if I shared that.


So Tufts girls? What are your views?

Buncha beauties


Hi I'm Caro. I'm a member of the Tufts Her Campus, and love writing for my fellow women. HCXO