It’s your junior year. You’re officially an upperclassman! You’re feeling confident, cool and like you run the world. But, there’s one thing dragging you down: finding your next summer internship. Everyone’s telling you that you need to get an amazing junior year internship in order to land a job your senior year. Before you start to freak out, take a deep breath. Follow this checklist and you will be guaranteed to have a successful and a ~little~ less stressful junior year.
1. Create an account on Jumbo Jobs
Jumbo Jobs constantly posts internship listings from employers who are looking for Tufts students! You can apply to positions for on-campus interviews or do resume drops. It is the easiest way to get connected to employers and the website super user-friendly. Â
2. Make an appointment with the Academic Resource Center
The ARC has countless resources from time management professionals to writing support. These resources are at your fingertips and will help you get on top of your stuff. They also have pre-professional advising for future law and medical students. Never be afraid to ask for help!!Â
3. Schedule an appointment at the Career Center
The Career Center has trained professionals that are there to help you craft a fabulous resume and cover letter. They also host mock interviews to help you nail that important interview. It’s a great resource and is free just like the others!Â
4. Find a fall internship
It’s still not too late to get a fall internship! If you don’t already have too much on a plate, there are countless fall internships that can further help you figure out what you like and don’t like to do. If you’re too overwhelmed right now, try to find an internship for the winter or spring. It’s all about getting as many experiences as possible!Â
5. Get close with your professors
You are going to need recommendations for most internships you apply for. The better relationships you have with your professors, the better recommendations they will write. This is another form of networking, which is an important thing to do (as I’m sure you already know). Also, you never know what connections they have and whether or not they will be able to help you out with an internship!Â
6. Have fun & relax
This is by far the most important one! You are only in college once and these are supposed to be the best four years of your life. Yes, school work and networking are important. But your own personal well being is the MOST important part! So smile and have fun! It doesn’t hurt :)Â
If you need more help with your internship search, check out some of these websites! They are super resourceful and have a ton of internship listings. Best of luck with your junior year and have fun!