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What To Wear To: Classes

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Tufts chapter.

Summer is over, and classes have begun, but what will you wear to class? It’s after labor day, so white is out, but its still nice and sunny in Medford. Here are a few ideas on how to bring together your summer and fall trends for classes.

1. Little white dress
A little white dress is a summer staple, but pair it with a cute pair of neutral flats, bright accessories, and you’re set to look cute for your first day. (dress and bracelets-Urban Outfitters, flats- Sam Edelman)


2.Colored Denim
Colored denim was a big trend this summer, so pair your perfect pair with a denim jacket, a cute pair of sandals, and you ready to bring that trend into fall. (Jeans- 7 for all Mankind, shorts-Zara, denim jacket- forever 21, shoes- Sam Edelman, shirt- Aqua)

3. Sneakers
This summer marked the beginning of the wedge sneaker. Pair them with jeans, cutoffs, a simple shirt, and you can bring this summer trend with you to your first day of class. (sneakers- Ash, jeans-Joe’s Jeans, shorts-Current Elliot, shirt- Vince, necklace-Forever 21)

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Christie is a rising sophomore at Tufts. She absolutely adores coffee in any form,  believes that any dessert can be made better with nutella and any meal better with hot sauce.  In her spare time, she dabbles in graphic design, playing guitar, and photography. She also adores makeup and beauty and believes it's more of an art form than people give it credit for. Music is definitely a huge part of her life: she always has her iPod on and frequently goes to concerts.