In high school, it was strange to dread summer but now with the increasing pressure of finding an internship and the sadness that comes from leaving the best school ever (Tulane!), it can be stressful to make April the most fun, jam-packed month ever. Here are 11 ways to make this semester memorable and end the school year on a good note.
1. Take a trip down to the French Quarter.
The trip down there can be a haul, but you’ll be glad you visited because it’s fun to be a tourist every once in awhile. Plus, there’s good shopping and great local art.
2. Consider staying a few days extra after finals.
It will be nice to spend some free time with friends without the pressure of having to study. Plus, there’s plenty of New Orleans still to explore before returning home for the summer. Take advantage of the time you’re still allowed to stay in the dorms for free!
3. Go to the Fly and/or Audubon Park.
Both of these places are absolutely stunning. One more sunset walk or morning run can’t be missed and is sure to put you in good spirits.
4. Go to Happy Hour.
If you’re like me and never go to Happy Hour because humpday is always extra-stressful with schoolwork, make some time to go to Happy Hour with some friends. It’s a great way to unwind during a stressful week.
5. Go to Magazine Street.
Shopping and amazing food–enough said.
6. Stay in one night with friends.
It can be really refreshing to just stay in one night with your friends and bake cookies, watch a movie or just sit and talk. When the summer comes, you’ll be missing your friends and wishing it was still easy to walk to their dorms at 2am. Be sure to get in as much time as you can with them before everyone goes home.
7. Establish a strong relationship with a professor.
Your professors (most of them) are interested in getting to know you and will appreciate the extra effort you make to getting to know them. A little small-talk can go a long way especially if you follow that up with an e-mail over the summer asking how they’re doing. The friendly face of a professor next semester is an amazing resource.
8. Establish a plan for next semester and/or year.
Make sure your schedule is up-to-par in terms of credits and requirements. If you have any issues, meet with your academic advisor asap! Their offices tend to get busy around this time of year and it’s always easier to work things out in person than over e-mail over the summer. Also, if you’re interested in finding a job next semester, start looking into possible opportunities now so you can contact the appropriate people over the summer and start when you return to New Orleans. The start of the semester is always a popular time for students looking for jobs, internships and lab positions so getting a head start on the process at the end of this semester can be a tremendous benefit.
9. Go to late night City Diner with friends.
Let’s be honest, City Diner is one of the most interesting places on campus. Maybe their milkshakes need a little help (less milk, more ice cream please!) but it’s so fun to have a late-night junk food feast and people-watch.
10. Go to a festival.
New Orleans is the right place to be festival-wise. Jazz-fest, French Quarter Fest, Tennessee Williams Literary Festival, Freret Food Fest and Tulane’s very own CrawFest are just a few worth checking out.
11. Savor every moment.
Your time at Tulane goes by in a flash. This school is so special so try to have fun and enjoy your last month in beautiful NOLA!