Name: Theresa Chiappe
Year: Senior
Major: Evolutionary Biology
Hometown: San Diego, CA
What’s your favorite part about living in New Orleans?
Whenever I think I have fully experienced New Orleans, I realize there is still so much left to discover. New Orleans truly never gets boring.
What are you involved in on campus?
I have been involved with Housing and Residence Life for three years as an RA, and now as an SRA. I have also been in Vagina Monologues, and plan on doing it this year too. In my spare time on the weekends, I now volunteer at Touro in the Emergency Department.
Graduation is coming up soon–what do you have planned?
I plan on taking a year off before medical school. I want to join AmeriCorps as a researcher, and also work as a standardized patient in a medical school. As a standardized patient I would act as a patient in medical school practicals.
Who is your celebrity crush?
My celebrity crush would definitely be Chris Hemsworth, because he’s Thor.
What fictional character would be your BFF and why?
Lizzie Bennet from Pride and Prejudice would definitely be my BFF because we always say what’s on our minds. Sometimes this can get us into trouble, but at least I have someone who is in the same predicament.
What ice cream topping would you be and why?
I would definitely be caramel syrup because I’m pretty salty, but I still add something special to the mix.
Mardi Gras parade?
Krewe du VieuxÂ
Definitely the dancing twins, because it’s the perfect response for everything.
Gone with the Wind– Scarlett is a boss!
(I completely agree!)
Disney Channel Original Movie?
Smart House- definitely coolest idea with the most terrifying twist.