You’ve been looking at your planner or calendar for weeks, and it’s finally here—the end of the semester.
You have a week or so left of class, and you can almost taste the ~freedom~ of summer.
There are finals coming up, of course, but you don’t have to think about that just yet.
You just have to get yourself to class…
…or not. Sometimes it’s just too tempting to take a nap.
It’s just so hard to go when everything your professor says just sounds like…
…and there are so many other fun things you’d rather be doing.
But you have to go, because all of your professors decided to assign a massive amount of work right before finals.
It’s also the perfect time to make a move on that one person in your class you’ve been too scared to talk to all semester.
You try to get your work done, but it’s hard to find motivation when the end is so near.
You ask your professor for an extension, but she’s like:
Test questions start to feel like:
And some of your grades are, well… probably not going to be taped on your refrigerator.
The stress starts getting to you.
But then you remember that soon it will all be over!
And besides, who cares about GPA anyway?
When everything is over, you can have fun with your friends…
And you’ll be at home and finished with the semester soon enough.