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This Field Guide’s on FLEEK

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Tulane chapter.

Last November, I came to the worldwide web with some hard hitting reporting on the term “bye Felicia.” Now that I’ve introduced everyone to Ms. Felicia, I found it about time to update folks on the new trending term: “on fleek.”  This phrase is much easier to grasp than “bye Felicia,” but I’ve decided to create a field guide to make absolutely sure that people implement “on fleek” properly.

This Field Guide’s “on FLEEK” (pun intended in the title, and now)

On Fleek:  | än, ôn / flēek | (adj.): 

Once again sourcing from our friends at Urban Dictionary, “on fleek”  has two meanings:

1. hella; on point 

2. very good

Phrase: ZOMG Bruff is on FLEEK tonight — they have blueberries, cupcake bar AND nuggets. 

Da fleek did FLEEK come from? A mere eight months ago, on June 21, 2014, Ms. Peaches Monroe made a herself an internet sensation after she exited the salon and Vined her beautifully sculpted eyebrows. 

In the Wild/Reality: Whether you’re finna get /_crunk_\ yourself, or just want to sound knowledgable here are some real life examples of when to say/feel on FLEEEEEKKKK~~~. 

1. When you wear non-yoga pants to class…


2. When you get an A on your test…


3. When your F&Ms cheese fries finally arrive…


4. When LF has a sale…


5. When it’s a balmy 75ºF in February (RIP 2/22/15, but please come back ASAP)…




After all of this, I’m sure you’re wondering, “Am I on fleek?” Well, check out this Buzzfeed Quiz to decide your fate… 



Her Campus Tulane