1. The First Floor SocializerÂ
They’ll make a stop at PJ’s for a coffee, catch up with their friends at the Tech Services desk, and start up a conversation with anyone they see either passing through or actually trying to do work.Â
2. The Study Group Leader
Ordering Jimmy Johns for lunch and Domino’s for dinner, this person and their group are here to stay. If they’re studying for an exam, someone might cry. If they’re preparing for a presentation, an argument will go down.Â
3. The Quiet Section AcademicÂ
Slippers, sweatpants, stress bun. This person has their noise-cancelling headphones on in the ultra silent part of the library. They have serious work to do and can’t have you chuckling at a BuzzFeed article and messing up their flow. Don’t talk to this person. Don’t disrupt this person. They are in the zone.
4. Â The Person Who Doesn’t Know They’re in a Library
Someone who decides to call their mom and talk about their roommate problems at full volume. Tipsy folk stumbling through just to use the bathrooms before drinks at the Palms. Dudes with no concept of inside voices discussing their fantasy football or March Madness brackets.Â
5. The Basement Napper
This person is zonked out in those amazingly comfortable yet questionably clean love seats in the bottom of the basement. This person must be able to sleep through the sounds of someone Skyping, the smell of microwaved lunches and the murmur of a tutoring session.Â