When you get your very own grown up Costco card and no longer need your parents to accompany you to the land of plenty
And then you get a cart with a wobbly wheel and it suddenly becomes 1,000x harder to navigateÂ
But it’s okay because you start to think about all the free samples you’re about to eat
And if you start to wonder if you’re overdoing it on the samples, just trust the gut you totally don’t haveÂ
When you finish the last sample and have to actually start shopping
And suddenly your cart if full of junk food and you don’t know how it got to be that way
When you find out how much your bounty will cost you
Getting back home and and having other responsibilities to attend to is the WORSTÂ
But at least you have enough stuff to survive in your bunker and be an Indiana Mole Woman ¯\_(ă)_/ÂŻ