Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex shocked the world with their bombshell Oprah interview. Celebrities were tweeting about it, TikToks were being made, all while people disputed in the comments over whether or not they believed Meghan and Harry’s claims against the Royal Family. If you did not have time to watch the entirety of the interview, here are the most shocking statements from the interview.
- Meghan was not allowed to leave the house.
In the interview, Meghan talked about her struggles with mental health. There was a time where she asked permission to have lunch with her friends and that request was denied. She had not left the house in months and was not permitted to go because of her troubled image in the British tabloids.
- There was concern about the shade of her son’s skin.
Meghan and Harry’s son, Archie was born in May of 2019. Due to Meghan’s biracial heritage, she said that a member of the Royal Family expressed their worries about Archie’s future skin color. Meghan and Harry kept that person’s identity a secret because of how “damaging” that could be. However, it was definitely an eyeopener to those watching the interview.
- Meghan’s mental health cries were ignored.
Throughout Meghan’s time in the Royal Family, she had gone to ask for help regarding her mental health. She even opened up in the interview about her suicidal thoughts. She was constantly bashed in the tabloids and the royal family decided it would be best to keep her inside. With the increasing talk around mental health, it was hard to hear how Meghan expressly asked for help and was denied.
- Curtsy for the queen.
Meghan was taken aback when she first met the Queen and Harry asked her if she knew how to curtsy. She was meeting the Queen at a private lunch, not a public gathering, and it was surprising to hear the formal practices done behind closed doors.
- Harry’s father declined his calls.
Regarding Meghan’s mental health struggle, Harry noted that he could not reach his father when he needed him most desperately. Prince Charles refused to pick up Harry’s calls to help his daughter-in-law.
- Infamous bridesmaid dress and Kate Middleton.
The tabloids criticized everything Meghan did and would go as far to twist the truth in order to villainize Meghan. There was an incident regarding tears, bridesmaid dresses, Meghan, and Kate that the tabloids ran with. It was said that Meghan made Kate cry over a bridesmaid dress—however, in the interview Meghan clarified it was the other way around, but she had forgiven Kate. Meghan was quick to say Kate Middleton is a good person, yet this situation was a clear example of how the media played a role in Meghan’s deteriorating mental health.
The two-hour long interview answered many people’s questions about Meghan and Harry’s separation from the Institution. It is impossible to death the parallels between Meghan Markle’s story and Princess Diana’s. Diana, like Meghan, was seen as a threat to the royal family because she marched to the beat of her own drum. Prince Harry, Diana’s son, paid the ultimate price by leaving the royal family—but by doing so, he saved his wife.