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Natural Wellness Tips to Protect from the Flu

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Tulane chapter.

It’s that time of year where the potential to catch the flu follows you around wherever you go.  Whether it’s in class or at the gym, the nasty flu virus is always ready and waiting to infect you.


Rather than chugging Emergen-C to ward off the flu virus, try some of these natural wellness tips to prevent the flu and keep you powering through winter.


Eat a Wide Variety of Real Foods

Processed, sugar laden foods weaken your body’s defense system, leading to a stronger susceptibility for catching the flu.  Stick to a diet plentiful with colorful veggies, fruits, whole grains, and lean protein.  Fruits and vegetables with high levels of antioxidants, vitamins A and C, and zinc , such as sweet potatoes, berries, and leafy greens, will nourish your body and keep the immune system strong.  Research has also found that Vitamin D is essential in warding off colds, so make sure you’re eating plenty of fatty fish, mushrooms, and eggs or taking a Vitamin D supplement.  Lastly, your immune cells are made of protein, so lean protein is essential.

Garlic and onions are also believed to enhance your immune system due to their bacterial and viral killing properties.  They also stimulate the killer cells of your immune system, making it easier to fight off infections.

Get Some Good Bacteria

In order to kills the germs when they first enter our body, good bacteria is essential.  Boost the amount of good bacteria in your gut through the consumption of yogurt (plain, unsweetened) or a supplement.  Look for probiotics containing lactobacillus and bifidus.

Battle Stress and Get Your Exercise

As college students, defeating stress can be difficult with constant exams and papers.  However, make sure you’re taking time to de-stress because not only will stress weaken your immune system, but if you’re sick it will only lead to more stress about missing class and assignments.  Set aside 15 minutes to try some deep breathing techniques, listen to music, or read a book.

Yoga is also a great stress reliever and gets you moving.  Any form of exercise not only combats stress, but strengthens your immune system.  Aim for 30 minutes a day, but be cautious not to over exercise as this can be detrimental to your body’s defenses.

Sleep, Sleep, Sleep

Hands down, this is the most important thing to do to protect your immune system.  Your body repairs itself while it sleeps and fights off the bad bacteria.  Make sure to get 6-8 hours of sleep a night to ensure there is enough time for your body to rebuild and stay strong.











Asia Bradlee is a senior studying Public Health and English at Tulane University. She grew up in Boston, MA and has a passion for health and wellness writing. Asia has experience at Boston Magazine as the digital health intern and maintains her own wellness blog, Healthy, Hungry, Happy. 
Her Campus Tulane