I’m a Twitter addict. Seriously, I’m on the site way too much for my own good. If you’re anything like me, you’re always looking for new, funny, and interesting accounts. Look no further! This is your complete guide to the best that Twitter has to offer, Tulane-style (well, mostly).
10) Tulane University, @TulaneNews
This is the official account for our school with updates on on-campus events, news, and opportunities to get involved. Follow it for all official Tulane-related happenings.
9) CollegeTownLife, @CollegeTownLife
CollegeTownLife is hilarious. They have funny articles, pictures, and tweets that I think most college students can appreciate and relate to. It’s a must-follow comedy account in college.
8) Creatures of Tulane, @TUcreatures
Creatures of Tulane started as a blog with ridiculous and funny pictures of Tulane students about two years ago. According to their bio, “this is your place to love and appreciate your fellow beings that roam the lands of Tulane University.”
7) Jewish Boy Problems, @JewBoyProblems
This is a hilarious “problems” account that I think a lot of students at Tulane can relate to; we’ve been mentioned on it a few times, too. Even if you’re not Jewish (or a boy, for that matter), definitely look up this account. Chances are you’ll laugh and/or know someone that just got retweeted by him.
6) Your Away Message, @YourAwayMessage
This account spread like wildfire throughout Twitter. Remember those days of AIM profiles, the stress of picking the right screenname, and the art of perfecting exactly what to say in your away message? Well, Your Away Message does all of that. In no time, you’ll feel like you’re in middle school all over again – well, without all the acne and awkwardness, at least.
5) Tulane Betch, @TulaneBetch
This is a spin-off of one of my other favorite accounts, Betches Love This (@betchesluvthis). Side note: They wrote an article about Tulane as part of their college series. Tulane Betch’s account is witty and clever, with tweets like, “Class after Mardi Gras isn’t optional?”… #IWish.
4) We are the We Tulane, @WE_Tulane
I love this account! It’s similar to Tulane Betch, but they have a blog with great posts about life at Tulane, too.
3) Thought Catalog, @ThoughtCatalog
Thought Catalog is hands down my favorite account. They post links to blog posts about really anything and everything. Some are humorous, while others are really serious and make you think about life. I could (and I do) spend hours on this site. It’s not Tulane-related at all, but it’s definitely worth your time to read.
2) Tulane Problems, @Tulaneproblems
If you a) go to Tulane and b) have a Twitter, you need to follow Tulane Problems. Their tweets range from complaints about Bruff to crazy New Orleans weather, and everything in between. Their tweets are funny, though; it makes you realize how most of Tulane’s “problems” aren’t really that big of a deal, and how lucky you are to go to such a great school.
1) HerCampus Tulane, @HerCampusTulane
Most importantly, follow us on Twitter! Stay up to date with all of our articles, events, and learn how to become part of our team.