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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Tulane chapter.

It’s almost time for one of the most rare, filling, and awesome holidays—Thanksgivingukkah. In case you haven’t heard of this magical occurrence (it’s pretty much the unicorn of holidays), let me fill you in. Thanksgivingukkah is a mixture of Thanksgiving and Hanukkah, and has not been seen since 1888. On this one, special day, you can light your Menorah while eating your turkey and cranberry with a side of latkes. In case you still don’t know how to celebrate (November 28th everyone), here is your ultimate guide to Thanksgivingukkah festivities.

What’s for dinner?

If there is anything that Thanksgiving and Hanukkah have in common (besides being awesome), it is the multitude of amazing food. Since you already have the turkey covered, here are some other items to complete the meal.

Sweet Potato Bourbon Noodle Kugel

An updated hybrid of the fan favorites kugel and mashed sweet potato.


Do I even have to explain this one? Everyone’s favorite part of Hanukkah makes its way on to your Thanksgiving plate.

Stuffing Balls

Celebrate the oil keeping the flame lit for eight days and nights with these fried stuffing balls. Calories don’t count on magical days such as this.

Swag me out

Now that you have your meal planned out, its time to move on to the fashion portion. I recommend ordering all clothing in “eating sizes” (1-2 sizer larger than normal) to accommodate the food babies that will be coming.


Thanksigivngukkah Tee Shirt

Show your love for both liberty and the Maccabees with this Woodstock-esque t-shirt


What is better than a turkey statue? A turkey statue that doubles as a menorah. Perfect to commemorate this holy day.

Thanksgivingukkah Bib

We all know you are going to be doing a lot of eating (if you think otherwise, please refer to the stuffing balls listed above), so arm your clothes with some protection. Invest in this cool half-and-half bib to look stylish and delay the washing machine a little longer.

Spread the love

Now that you have all of the makings of an awesome dual-holiday, its time to share it all with the world.


Like the facebook page

Yes, there is an official Thanksgivingukkah page. And, yes, it has more likes than I could ever hope to have on anything I ever do.

Read the blog

There is an entire blog dedicated to this magical day. Check it out and submit yourself in your cool new shirt eating latkes and turkey while you’re at it.

Refer to Buzzfeed for anything else you may need

As always, Buzzfeed has managed to create the (second) best guide to celebrating this holiday (I would like to think that this one is the first best, although I know I cannot compete with Buzzfeed’s unparalleled usage of GIFs and foodporn)

Hopefully you are now inspired to get out there, light the menorah, and eat until you explode. Happy holidays everyone!

Current Tulane senior studying English and Communications. Contact: sydneyclarke@hercampus.com
Her Campus Tulane