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What Your Study Space Says About You

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Tulane chapter.

Where you study for finals says more about you than you think.

Howie T

This can mean either one of two things:

1) You’re serious. Very serious. You’re also very stressed. Stop talking.

2) You don’t know how to concentrate and you dragged yourself over here, hoping that it might make you focus. You spent the day talking to your friends on the third floor and Instagramming your cube, fully equipped with your MacBook Pro, highlighters in colored order, Starbucks, and maybe a book. Maybe.


You can’t deal with silence, and you also probably need a lot of study breaks and snacks. You like to think you’re sophisticted and classy by studying next to a waterfall. You suffer from FOMO.

B-School Breakout Room

You like to pretend you have a lot to do, but in reality, you spend half the day looking up to see who walks by and the other half complaining about all the work you didn’t end up getting done.

PJ’s Booth

You’re competitive but also like to think you’re ~chill~. You want to study with your friends and people-watch while eating chocolate muffins.

The Fly/Audubon/Anywhere Outside

You free spirit, you.


You like caffeine and good music – but then again, who doesn’t? You’re too hipster for the library but too basic for Rue de la Course or Mojo.


………moving on.

Your Room

Because Netflix.

Her Campus Tulane