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Cozy From Afar: Keeping The Fall Romance Alive In a Long-Distance Relationship

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at TX State chapter.

October has just begun, and the leaves will soon start to fall and orange up. We’ll smell the coffee and apples down every dorm floor and see everyone wear their cutest crewnecks. And with the cold sneaking up on us, we’ll see people coupling up and snuggling up at the library – and sweaters won’t be in; partners will. However, can my long-distance relationship survive the colder months? A video call only warms up my laptop! 

I’ve been in a long-distance relationship since this school year started. He goes to University of Texas at El Paso, and I go to Texas State. I wouldn’t trade leaving home for the world, but doing long-distance has been getting harder day by day. The most challenging part about long-distance relationships is spending so much time physically apart. Physical intimacy is a huge part of any relationship and is severely limited when geography gets in the way. But that’s what is so beautiful about long-distance relationships: you have a bond that not even distance can break! Though it’s tricky, I’ve learned some sweet ways to keep your long-distance lover feeling loved and happy so you don’t miss out on any fall romance. 

  1. Send snail mail.

There’s something timeless about a handwritten letter. Add a sprinkle of fall – maybe a pressed leaf or a sweet Polaroid. Include little mementos like a postcard from a local shop, a small autumn candle, or even a cute doodle to remind them of you. Your college campus most likely has a post office where you can send your letters; always utilize the resources around you! Letters aren’t instant, which makes receiving one feel extra special. They can read it over and over again when they miss you, and it’s a physical reminder of your love.

  1. Burn a CD (or make a playlist) with cozy, autumn vibes.

Create a playlist of the songs that remind you of fall and each other. It’s an old-school gesture with a modern twist. Include songs that make you feel warm inside, like acoustic tracks, soft indie tunes, or the soundtrack from your favorite fall-themed movie. You can also add meaningful songs to your relationship, like tracks that remind you of when you first met or your favorite memories together. Bonus tip: listen to the playlist while texting each other to recreate the feeling of being in the same place. 

Here are some of my favorite autumn songs to get you and your partner feeling warm and fuzzy! 

  1. Go on a virtual coffee date.

Find a local coffee shop where each of you lives, grab a pumpkin spice latte, and hop on FaceTime. It’s the next best thing to sitting across the table from each other. You can each try out different seasonal drinks and compare them, or even “people watch” and share what’s happening at your respective locations. It’s fun to pretend you’re sitting at the same coffee shop, enjoying the ambiance together. You can also make it a tradition – weekly coffee dates can give you both something to look forward to. 

  1. Get matching sweaters.

It may sound cheesy, but love is all about those corny gestures! You can wear matching sweaters on the same day and feel connected despite the distance. Pick something cozy and cute that you both love and on days when you’re missing each other, throw on your matching sweater – it’s like a wearable hug! You could also take pictures of yourselves in the sweaters and send them to each other throughout the day as a little reminder that you’re still in sync, even from afar.

  1.  Start a book club for two. 

Pick the same book, and as you both read through it, share your thoughts and discuss your favorite parts. It’s a great way to feel connected and have something to talk about beyond day-to-day life. If you both love a good autumn read, choose something seasonal like a cozy mystery or a feel-good romance set in the fall. You can set reading goals, then schedule calls to talk about what you’ve read, sharing your thoughts and feelings about the story. It’s like going on a mental adventure together!

Long-distance relationships aren’t easy, especially when the fall chill makes you crave the warmth of being close to your person. But love isn’t just about proximity; it’s about connection, trust, and effort. Every thoughtful gesture, no matter how small, helps bridge the distance between you two. Whether you’re sending a letter or syncing up for a virtual coffee date, you’re showing your partner that no number of miles can keep your love from thriving.
So, as the leaves fall and the temperatures drop, remember that love—just like the seasons—can change and grow, even from afar. Stay patient, stay creative, and, most importantly, stay connected. You and your long-distance love can make it through the coldest months, and when you finally reunite, it’ll feel like the warmest homecoming.

Piscis Martinez

TX State '28

Piscis Martinez is a public relations major at Texas State University! She loves to watch reality tv, keep up with pop culture, and write! She can be found in coffee shops and in her bed.