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Four Students Share Their Best College Advice

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at TX State chapter.

Navigating college life can be tough, especially when each year brings new challenges. Just when you think you’ve figured it out, you’re moving on to the next phase! To help you through the transition, I talked to four Texas State students who shared what they wish they knew before starting their year, and what they’ve learned along the way. 

Freshman Iris Kim is studying criminal justice. She has been navigating the college experience as best she can, but she had to take on new challenges, like sharing a room and doing her own laundry. 

Sophomore Zacalinh Elizondo is studying journalism and loves to read and write. She has acquired enough credits, so she is technically a junior, but it is still her second year at Texas State. 

Junior Maddy Ramon is studying public relations and trying to keep up with all of her organizations. Maddy’s goal this year is to build her resume and post more on LinkedIn. 

Senior Sydney Seidel is studying journalism. She has built experience by joining organizations but is still anxious about applying for internships to prepare for post-grad life. 

Each of these students offers a unique perspective on college life because they’ve had unique ups and downs. 

Q: “What is something you wish you knew before entering your year?”

Iris (Freshman): “I wish I knew that college is not like the movies. It’s not parties every night; you actually have responsibilities. You have to take care of yourself, which means learning to cook and do laundry for yourself.” 

Zacalinh (Sophomore): “I wish I knew more about all the resources the campus had to offer. It’s not only a great way to make friends and network, but it could also really improve your academics and experience while at Texas State.”

Maddy (Junior): “ Junior year has been a breeze. So far it has been more relaxed than my first two years. I wish I told myself not to stress out and enjoy my last two years of college.”

Sydney (Senior): “I wish I would have known to take every opportunity that was offered to me. It will definitely add up in the long run when you are looking for experience.”

Q: “What do you like about Texas State University? What have you learned here?”

Iris (Freshman): “I went to Texas State because I heard that it’s great for my major [criminal justice]. Texas State has a body farm, which is super exciting for me. I have already learned so much about my field and what I want to do in the future.”

Zacalinh (Sophomore): “Texas State has taught me the importance of networking and taking opportunities. A simple connection, or even just taking advantage of being part of an organization or applying for leadership positions could make all the more difference later.” 

Maddy (Junior): “I learned what I want to do in my career. I got to learn more about my major and different paths I can go down. I like that Texas State offers multiple opportunities to get lots of real-world experience.”

Sydney (Senior): “I love the campus at Texas State. When I’m feeling unmotivated, walking through the pretty campus definitely helps me.”

Q: If you could time travel to a time before this school year, would you do anything differently?

Iris (Freshman): “I wish I had known what a ‘normal’ college schedule was. I thought I was supposed to make my classes staggered, but all that has done is make me super tired. If I could start over, I would definitely remake my schedule.” 

Zacalinh (Sophomore): “I would definitely try to start reinforcing a routine much earlier. I feel like if I had started that routine in the summer, I might have had more time to incorporate other things like clubs and work.” 

Maddy (Junior): “I would tell myself to really work on time management, especially being in multiple different organizations on campus.”

Sydney (Senior): “If I could travel to before senior year, I would tell future me to introduce myself to all of my professors and form connections with them.”

College is a journey unlike any other, and you learn so much about yourself in these four years. Whether you’re just starting as a freshman or nearing the finish line as a senior, the advice from these four students gives insight into the realities of college. Even if you don’t fit into any of these categories, transfer student or graduating early, there is so much to learn from our peers. After all, college is not just about earning a degree but about discovering who you are along the way.

Cara Cervenka

TX State '26

Cara Cervenka is a journalism major at Texas State University. She writes for the University newspaper, The University Star, in the Life & Arts section, as well as serving as the Junior Editor of the TXST Chapter of Her Campus. She has an unwavering love for iced coffee, live music, Taylor Swift and reading!