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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Alberta chapter.

I’m a big fan of cute journals so when I find one that actually leaves me feeling productive or grateful, I’m even happier! Here are three journals that do just that.

The 5-Minute Journal by Intelligent Change

The Five Minute Journal

This journal has been circulating social media for a while, which was where I first heard about it. To be honest, I was a bit sceptical at first but I decided to try it out to focus on the good in my life and acknowledge my blessings. The journal also discusses the importance of starting and ending each day with gratitude, so important!

It gives you all the instructions you need and the logic behind it, and it really only takes five minutes! This journal is a great addition to your morning and evening routines. It starts each day with a quote or piece of advice and has the same prompts every morning and every evening. 

You start with three things you feel grateful for having in your life, followed by three things that would make today amazing (these have to be things that you have the power to make happen), and a personal affirmation that will help you get through the day.

The evening is even simpler. You reflect on what made your day great and how you could have improved it. Five minutes, it seriously only takes that long.

I would totally recommend this journal to everyone, even if you’re not big on writing! It’s so simple to use and leaves me starting the day off on the right foot. I feel refreshed, grateful, and ready to take on the day. When it comes time to go to sleep, I feel happy reflecting on what made my day and ready to improve myself tomorrow.

Productivity Planner by Intelligent Change


Another Intelligent Change journal! Well, this one is a planner and a great one at that. This planner focuses on prioritizing tasks in order to accomplish them. They really emphasize quality over quantity. They also discuss the Pomodoro Technique, a helpful way to stay focused and get your work done, a technique I use everyday. 

Just like the 5-Minute Journal, the Productivity Planner starts with instructions and a quote to start off each day. You begin by listing off the tasks you want to get done during the week in order of importance. Always start with less, you’ll feel a lot better accomplishing things and it’ll make it easier to focus. Everyday, list the things you need to get done, again in order of importance. You’ll also write your goal for how long you want it to take, using the Pomodoro Technique. At the end of the day, go back to check off what you’ve done and how long it took, and score your productivity for the day.

At the end of the week, you’ll have your weekly review where you can look back and judge how effectively you completed your tasks and what you can improve on. It’s a great way to focus on how much you got done while seeing where you need to improve. This planner really keeps me accountable by having a list of items marked completed and marked incomplete, but it also helps me celebrate the smaller tasks I get done!

 One Line A Day by Chronicle Books

Canvas One Line a Day

Last, but not least is the One Line A Day journal. Out of all the journals I mentioned, this one is definitely the simplest. You jot down any ideas or highlights for every day over the course of five years. I find this one to be the coolest, being able to look back at the end of the five years and see how much your life has changed or maybe stayed steady. It’s something so simple but can turn into something so meaningful! It also comes in different styles so there’s one for everyone!

Robin is a senior student at the University of Alberta in Edmonton, Alberta. She is getting a Science Degree, with a Psychology major and a double minor in Sociology & Biology. Part-time jobs, full-time classes, various student groups and volunteering fill most of her time. Robin is the 2020/2021 President of Her Campus at UAlberta and served as the social media director for the 2018/2019 year!