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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Alberta chapter.

Image From: Carleton University School of Journalism and Communication

It is that time of year, midterms are in full speed ahead and the work keeps pilling on. I say it’s okay to skip a class when you absolutely need it in order not to explode. You see, I struggle with depression and anxiety, so when I have a giant assignment or an exam looming over me and I don’t feel nearly prepared, I don’t feel like I am able to do anything productive, so sometimes it makes more sense for me to skip a class. That’s okay! I am not saying that it is okay to skip a class to go grab a pint with your buddies, although I’m sure we are all guilty of doing that once or twice in our lives. I just want to put it out there, as someone who has had the anxiety and has felt the pressure that my mental health wasn’t important enough to skip class. But it is okay to email your professors and tell them you are missing because of your mental health. It is a legitimate excuse!

Of course if you aren’t already being helped for your mental health, there are resources that you should look into like, https://www.ualberta.ca/current-students/wellness/mental-health for on-campus support! 

Mara Palahniuk

U Alberta '22

Mara is currently a second year majoring in English and minoring in Creative-Writing. She hopes to go into education as she believes that her true purpose in life is to teach. When Mara isn't reading, writing, or drinking wine and watching Netflix, Mara dances with the professional Ukrainian Shumka Dancers and teaching dance at Windermere Music Academy. Favourite colour: Green Favourite Movies: Singing in the Rain, Roman Holiday and How to Train your Dragon Favourite Food: Chocolate Favourite Wine: All of it!
Robin is a senior student at the University of Alberta in Edmonton, Alberta. She is getting a Science Degree, with a Psychology major and a double minor in Sociology & Biology. Part-time jobs, full-time classes, various student groups and volunteering fill most of her time. Robin is the 2020/2021 President of Her Campus at UAlberta and served as the social media director for the 2018/2019 year!