Have you ever just stared in the mirror after a good cry? When your eyes are glossy, your nose is red and your cheeks are glowing from your tears? I know I have.
Call me crazy but I love crying. Yes, sometimes the circumstances that make you cry are not the best but I have never felt as calm and clear-headed than after a crying session. Crying has become so normalized in my everyday life and routine that I have forgotten the stigma behind crying and the vulnerability that it brings. In a society where crying is discouraged in the name of emotional strength, I would like to remind myself and you, the reader, that sometimes a good ol’ cry is what you need.
By no means am I encouraging you to seek out situations that are upsetting or emotionally difficult. I am, however, reminding you that you have to release your inner stress somehow. I am reminding you that just because you cry, it does not mean that you are weak or childish or in any way inferior to those who don’t. And if you refuse to cry for the sake of your reputation, I encourage you to try. Watch a sad movie, listen to a sad song, do what it takes to release the plug on your dormant emotional stress.
Some people work out, some people make beautiful art, some people yell, and if those work for you then I commend you for your healthy coping mechanisms. I try to implement these methods too. But sometimes, when things are feeling way too rough or I can’t focus, nothing feels better than crying.
The moral of the story here is that I don’t think that crying should be seen as a sign of weakness or lack of emotional control. Instead, I see it as the confidence to be vulnerable and the ability to acknowledge when things become too much. I cry a lot, and that’s okay. If you don’t cry a lot, that’s okay too. But don’t ever feel bad if you do cry.
Note: I would like to remind Her Campus readers that just because I am advocating for the destigmatization of crying, I am not advocating emotionally distressing situations. While a good cry is needed once in a while, crying daily or weekly may be cause for alarm. If things ever get too much, feel free to reach out to a friend, family member, or one of the resources below:
UAlberta Student Access: https://www.ualberta.ca/current-students/access.html
UAlberta Counselling and Clinical Services: https://www.ualberta.ca/current-students/counselling/index.html
The Landing (support for LGBTQ+ folks and allies): https://su.ualberta.ca/services/thelanding/service/
Access 24/7 (24-hour mental health clinic): https://www.albertahealthservices.ca/findhealth/Service.aspx?id=1077952&serviceAtFacilityID=1122569