Since all of the gyms are closed and we aren’t really allowed to go outside, I’ve found it hard to
stay focused and productive. If I don’t push myself I could spend a whole day just lying down
and not doing anything. This is why I created a workout for myself that I can do at home and
help keep myself keep active.
Below is the description of my workout, I will do 1, and then choose between 2,3 or 4, and then
finish with 5.
- Warm Up Cardio
I have two sets of stair at my parents’ house so the first thing that I do is run up and
down the stairs 10 times. This is an excellent way to get your heart pumping and can
actually be quite difficult. If I don’t feel like running the stairs, I will instead jump rope for
10 minutes. This is another great way to warm up and is great cardio.
- Abs
I will often follow YouTube videos for abs,
you can find quick 10 minute ab workout or
something even longer. All you usually need
is your yoga mat and perhaps a small set of
weights but it’s usually ok if you don’t have it.
- Upper Body
For arms, I will either use resistance bands or weights.
I will 3 sets of a different exercises for biceps and triceps each.
For back and chest, I will usually do push ups. My parents also
have a pull up bar so I will do as many chin ups and pull ups as
I can and I will do this 3 times. If I don’t feel like following my usual
upper body workout, I will just look up an upper body workout like
the one I linked above.
- Legs
For legs, I usually follow a YouTube video, but exercises can include
lunges, squats, jump squats, deadlifts, single leg hip thrusts, and frog
jumps. Even if you don’t follow a YouTube video and just do this exercises
15 times with 3 sets each, it can still be a pretty good workout.
- Finish Off With More Cardio
To finish off my workout I will do either 10 more stair runs or 10 more minutes of jump
rope. Cardio just makes me feel like I’ve accomplished more in my workout so I always
like to end with it.