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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Arkansas chapter.

Landing your lucky self in a 7:30 class.

That first college breakup.

When the cops crash the party.

Boys in the dorm laundry rooms.

Drunk people rolling in at 3 a.m..

“D” on your transcript.

First introductions.

The “Freshman Fifteen”.

And catching the bus being like:

You and the bestie at the frat parties:

Getting everything your parents said you couldn’t have.


Professors that don’t have freggin’ a clue what they’re talking about.

Girls during rush week:

Professors that don’t speak English.

Finding a date for formal.

Walking to class in the rain.

When the RA asks if you’re hiding booze during the room inspection.



Tiffany Ward, a Junior at the University of Arkansas, joined the Her Campus Arkansas team in 2013 and now serves as the chapter President. Along with being an English major, Tiffany has a minor in Legal Studies and Pre-Law emphasis. Tiffany is a loyal member of Alpha Omicron Pi. Tiffany loves to write articles that provide advice and fun to her readers.