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The World in 2013: Media

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Chicago chapter.



Required paid memberships for online newspapers, Facebook’s privacy controversy and countless television press releases all made up an exciting year in 2012. While media has inevitably been improving, and its presence becoming increasingly ubiquitous through newer technology, 2013 will surely bring on many changes. Some of these changes, if these predictions do prove accurate, will be a positive improvement on society and media relations. However, aside from the media (hopefully) having a groundbreaking positive impact in 2013, the most important thing is that the rough, media-related patches experienced in 2012 are over and there is definitely hope for the coming year. So sit back, grab your smartphone, and continue tapping “next” to check up on what Her Campus UChicago thinks the media has in store for the world in 2013.

We’re looking forward to: Twitter on the upswing

Twitter has been surpassing its rivals (Facebook and Instagram) not only in its user-appealing interface, but also in its evasion of angering its members. With such a large success in a short amount of time, it would be surprising if Twitter’s popularity and innovation became stagnant. While twitter will soon need to make some federal compromises, it is likely that the founders will maintain the original integrity of the site. Keeping the users happy is a top priority for Twitter: It is unlikely that they will make their users compromise their privacy rights, especially after seeing the problems with Facebook’s recent privacy changes. With small ad sizes and a cool, understanding staff, there may be a possibility of Apple buying Twitter in the next year, especially after their recent deal involving Ping.

Could go either way: More newspapers turn to online subscription

Many publications are already relying heavily on the Internet and Internet subscriptions. This trend will most assuredly continue in the coming year, and the increase of newspaper publications on the web and social media is something to look forward to. Tablet sales saw a large increase in 2012 immediately after the Apple iPad Mini was released, so the demand for accessing the daily news via the Internet is increasing as well. The ease of checking the news on a smartphone or tablet is becoming ubiquitously appealing; the news publishers are aware of this and are actively making a move toward giving the people what they want. Unfortunately for those who are hanging on to the hope of a hard copy of the paper sticking around, seven-day print publications are expected to decrease to two or three days a week, according to Martin Langeveld at the Nieman Journalism Lab.

While the burden of paying for Internet subscriptions is slightly annoying, the rise of publications using the Internet will hopefully lead to membership deals that will include valuable benefits. Online paid memberships to a local publication may also include access to regional sources as well as certain various sources based on the reader’s specific interests. 2013 will be an exciting year for digital copies of newspapers and news sources, so make sure to keep your tablet or smartphone handy at all times!

Two wishes:

Social networks cater to a more sophisticated crowd

WeClickd is newly launched website that has a similar layout to Pinterest and even a similar level of addicting appeal. Created by a ’09 UChicago alumnus, WeClickd is a social network designed specifically for brides and wedding planning. Although other social networks like Twitter will most assuredly continue throughout 2013 with the same (but most likely more) success as before, it is probable that WeClickd is just one of a few new social networks targeting a specific group of people. WeClickd includes elaborate sorting mechanisms such as searching for pictures by color or a specific wedding category, and it allows the creation of an online community to be formed through each member’s wedding “story” being shared on the public database. While 2013 may not be the year for numerous groundbreaking wedding websites, WeClickd is just one example of a new type of social network for those with a bit more of a sophisticated agenda when surfing the web. While LinkedIn is a great example of a professional social network, hopefully WeClickd will inspire other recent college grads to create new social networks targeting a more sophisticated crowd, yet somehow maintaining a less professional atmosphere than LinkedIn.

Better (much better) press coverage:

2012 was an extraordinarily awful year for extreme homicides all over the world, tragic situations that should never have occurred, and just all around bad news. With 2013 finally beginning there is hope that this year will bring more fortune than tragedy. However, as the age old saying goes for television newscasts, “We don’t create the news; we report it.” Tragedy is out of our control, but the way in which the television media broadcasts it is completely within our limitations. 2013 will hopefully bring a stronger concentration on press releases getting their facts correct the first time and most importantly respecting the families and persons affected after a tragedy. As Rob Manker of the Chicago Tribune put in one of his tweets directly following the misfortune in Connecticut, “First and right is the goal, but I’d run the risk of being last and right for the assurance of not being first and wrong.”

So here’s to 2013 being an accurate, misfortune-free year for all. 

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Annie Pei

U Chicago

Annie is a Political Science major at the University of Chicago who not only writes for Her Campus, but is also one of Her Campus UChicago's Campus Correspondents. She also acts as Editor-In-Chief of Diskord, an online op-ed publication based on campus, and as an Arts and Culture Co-Editor for the university's new Undergraduate Political Review. When she's not busy researching, writing, and editing articles, Annie can be found pounding out jazz choreography in a dance room, furiously cheering on the Vancouver Canucks, or around town on the lookout for new places, people, and things. This year, Annie is back in DC interning with Voice of America once again!