After surviving midterms, I think it is safe to say that we all more than deserve some time off. As we come closer and closer to losing our minds due to the seemingly never ending list of assignments being thrown at us, it is helpful to remember that Thanksgiving, and more importantly break, is almost here! Here are 11 things we are all looking forward to about our week off this month.
1. Getting a break from school work.
Ok, so this one only applies to those of us lucky enough not to have projects due the day we get back. But either way, at least we won’t be waking up to an alarm every morning!
2. Catching up with friends and family from home.
3. Seeing who changed the most since we last saw them.
Was summer really only a couple months ago?!
4. Reuniting with our beds.
And actually getting a sufficient amount of sleep again.
5. Showering without flip-flops for a whole week.
The amazing feeling we get showering barefoot after dealing with dorm showers makes every uncomfortable moment worth it. Almost.
6. The premiere of Disney’s Moana on the 23rd.
They had us at “new Disney princess.”
7. Cuddling with our pets.
8. Getting a break from dining hall food.
UConn’s food starts to seem not too bad after a while, but then we are reminded what home-cooked meals look like.
9. Black Friday sales.
The whole Black Friday concept was basically created for the broke college student. Although, this year we might choose to take advantage of Cyber Monday sales instead because…
10. Gilmore Girls: A Year in the Life is released on Netflix on November 25th!
If this list was in order of importance, the Gilmore Girls revival would definitely be near the top. No amount of amazing Black Friday sales could keep us away from Netflix and finding out if Rory and Jess end up together.
11. The kick off to the Christmas season.
Blasting Michael Bublé’s Christmas album on repeat is finally considered socially acceptable again!