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18 Reasons Why Gordo from ‘Lizzie McGuire’ Would Make the Perfect Valentine

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Conn chapter.

The girls of Her Campus UConn recently engaged in a pretty entertaining conversation about our first celebrity crushes!  Naturally, Gordo was one of the first names mentioned.  Feeling nostalgic, I went and watched some episodes of Lizzie McGuire and made a discovery worth sharing. I realized that there is a good reason why we were all in love with Gordo as kids.  He has all of the qualities that we should be looking for in a potential Valentine.  This is one childhood crush that should not be laughed off because we liked Gordo for all of the right reasons.

1. He is such a good friend.

He skipped the school dance to bring Lizzie mini doughnuts.  Need I elaborate further? 


2. He is so wise and in touch with reality.

He doesn’t get caught up in petty drama and is always there to give Lizzie and Miranda reality checks.  Couldn’t we all use that? 


3. He is as loyal as they come.

Even though it killed him to listen to Lizzie talk about liking other guys, he never strayed.  In fact, he did the exact opposite and helped her with her efforts to date Ethan and Paolo.  This is one guy who doesn’t let his ego get in the way.


4. He will always stand up for you (and his comebacks do not disappoint).



5. He is too secure in who he is to change for anyone.

Gordo, you rock.  Don’t ever change. 


6. He truly cares about you.

And he will make that clear by doing things like putting his own reputation with the high school principal at risk in order for you to have the adventure of a lifetime in Rome. 


7. He is a good dancer. 

Spontaneous backyard dancing?  You won’t need to ask him twice!


8. You don’t need to beg him to take a picture with you.

Forget phone cameras because he carries around the real thing.


9. He is so supportive.

Even though he knows your crazy plans are not going to work out, he will still always be there to cover for you and help out in any way that he can. 


10. But he keeps it real with you at the same time.

You know you can really trust him because of how much he values honesty. 


11. Just the way he looks at you!

Let’s be honest, every girl just wants a boy who will look at her like this. 


12. He has a great sense of humor. 

Take him with you on a long plane ride for a guaranteed great time.


13. He is upfront and says what he means.

You will not be left trying to decode your conversations because this is one guy who is not confusing.


14. After being apart, he is honest about having missed you.

Because his relationships mean more to him than his pride. 


15. He is super smart.

He passed up the opportunity to go to high school early because he didn’t want to leave his friends.  Book smart and life smart. 


16. He makes you feel better about your flaws.

Where was Gordo when I knocked over my test tube in bio lab last week?!


17. He always knows the right thing to say.

The fact that Lizzie responded to this by telling Gordo what a good friend he was had all of us facepalming. 


18. His way with words even carries over to yearbooks. 

And he wasn’t even finished signing her yearbook when Lizzie snuck a peek at it!  We can only imagine what the rest of his message said!


Gordo serves as a great reminder of how we all deserve to be treated.  So don’t be too quick to give yourselves away to the Ethan Crafts of the world, ladies!  Hold out for a Gordo.  And if you are lucky enough to already have one in your life, don’t let it take 14 years of friendship and a trip out of the country for you to realize what is right in front of you.  

Happy Valentine’s Day, collegiettes!


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