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5 New Study Spots For You To Try This Semester At UConn

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Conn chapter.

If there’s one thing that motivates me to sit down and get some work done, it’s definitely some good lighting, nice comfy seating, and a calm environment where I can really focus. Everyone knows about the library and the Student Union at UConn, but I’ve set out to find some hidden study spots with the perfect, cute environment to get all your work done. I’m going to share my top five study spots that have changed my life.


This one’s a little more well-known, but it’d definitely still be one of my favorites on campus. Especially on the upper floors, Rowe has some really nice seating with bright, natural lighting. Especially if you have a lot of your classes in the center of campus, Rowe is the perfect place to sit down after grabbing a snack at the union and get a little bit of work done.

View of campus
Original photo by Kara Borkowski
Gant Science complex

The Gant complex can be super intimidating to try and figure out, but once you know the layout, there are tons of super nice study spots hidden. My personal favorite is the barstools overlooking North Garage and the Biology Physics Building. This spot is especially great if you’re by yourself and just want a quick place to get a little bit of work done.

Music library

This next one is for all my people that love downtown Storrs. Right across the street from Moe’s is a well-hidden perfect study spot. The Music Library is a large area with lots of outlets and comfortable seating. Especially if you like a quieter, controlled environment, the music library is perfect for you. My favorite thing to do is grab Starbucks downtown and bring it to the Music Library to get some work done.

Study area
Original photo by Kara Borkowski
science one

If you haven’t gotten the chance to check out the new science building right behind Ted’s, it’s a must-see.  While the upper floors are still closed to undergraduate students, there’s more than enough seating on the first floor for anyone who wants it. There’s even a new cafe called “Nano-Byte” that has delicious croissants and more options than I’ve seen at any other UConn cafe. The new science building is definitely a must to check out, especially if you live or find yourself in North campus often.

chemistry building

I would’ve never known about this next spot if I hadn’t accidentally stumbled across it one day after my General Chemistry lab. On the third floor of the Chemistry building, there’s a super pretty chem tutoring room with a few different tables. My favorite thing about this spot is that it’s never busy and I can always count on finding a free table. The room also has huge windows that overlook Swan Lake. Especially on a snowy or rainy day, it’s super pretty to watch the rain fall into the lake and just have a relaxing study session.

Study Area
Original photo by Kara Borkowski

Whether it’s a new study spot, a fun little drink, or a new study playlist I hope you feel inspired to girl-boss your way through the second semester. Next time you’re looking for a new study spot or find yourself on campus and can’t find anywhere to sit, I hope you try one of these new places and love it as much as I do.

Kara is a second-year at the University of Connecticut majoring in Physiology and Neurobiology with a minor in Sociology. her hometown is Wells, Maine, and she loves going out to eat with friends, crocheting, and writing articles for her campus!