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5 Ways To Slay The Semester After Spring Break

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Conn chapter.

For us UConn girlies, our spring break was on week eight of the semester. That means we only have four more weeks until finals. We are more than halfway through — we got this! Especially as a senior, I am happier than ever to begin a new chapter in my life as a new grad. But, professors love to bombard us with projects, presentations, and more after spring break. So, I am a little less excited to do the work to get my final semester over and done with. Luckily, I have managed to find five ways to get me through the last bit of this spring semester! Here they are:


Spring cleaning anyone? Coming back from my spring break trip, I had loads of laundry to do from before I left my trip. Not fun to come home to. Luckily I had a day to reset, and was able to peel myself out of bed to tidy up and get a load of laundry going. There is something about decluttering that makes me feel so put together. Me being me, these mundane tasks have to be done before my school work. So if you feel that you have not been motivated to get back on your studying grind, maybe take a look to see if your room needs some TLC.


Self-explanatory. The sun is out and you should be too. Any excuse to be outside, I will take. Especially with great study spots on campus. I love to study outside of the Beanery Cafe, on the UConn lawn behind the U, and there are the cutest benches outside of Wilbur Cross Library on both sides of the entrances. Being outside in the spring also helps me romanticize studying a little bit more, which always is helpful for me.


Old-fashioned planners or e-planners are the way to go, especially as the semester picks up after spring break. Checking off a little list always helps me because it is super satisfying. Me being a Gemini, I am somewhat of an organized mess. I have an old-fashioned planner, I use Google Calendar, and I have dabbled a bit with Notion. Most of the time what works best for me though is a to-do list on my notes app. But I will say, checking my planners helps me remember what is actually going on the to-do list. Again, I am an organized mess. Having just one system to keep you on track works wonders.


Again, it is officially spring! Maybe ask a friend to go on a little walk with you before you jump back into studying. Go sip on some coffee outside of Starbucks for a little bit in between your study sessions. Take a little stretch break — especially since doing work for a long period of time can seem incredibly daunting and may lead to even more procrastination. At least for me! However, having a little something to break up the time helps me feel recharged before I get back to dialing in on my to-do list.


Maybe you’re reading this and you’re also a Her Campus member. Have you been putting off writing an article? Personally, articles are way more fun for me to do than writing a research paper for class. Therefore, I will start with writing a fun article before attempting anything else. Once I am in a groove, it is easy for me to transition to something a bit more difficult such as a quiz or paper.

Another way to start off your study sessions with something fun if you are not part of Her Campus is to maybe ask a friend to study with you. Catch up with your friend first, but then you guys can study together and it can keep you motivated by having someone else there. Parallel play is not just great for toddlers, it’s great for us adults too!

If you are still figuring out what tips work best for you to slay the semester, that is completely fine. As a freshman, I would write extremely detailed notes before, during, and after class. This did not help at all to get the grades that I wanted. What helped me the most is making studying enjoyable. Once I realized that it is quality over quantity when it came to studying, I became a much more successful college student.

Plus, it was always difficult for me to transition from spring break mode back into student mode. This was partially due to the nice long break, but also because summer break felt right around the corner. I hope the nicer weather, a planner of your choice, and adding friends to the mix helps you slay the last little bit of the semester!

Katherine is a senior nursing student at the University of Connecticut. Katherine's passion is sharing her wisdom on all things holistic health. She loves cooking nutritious meals, moving her body, and focusing on self-love. However, Katherine also loves being creative with her fashion and social media content!