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British Vogue Claims Cleavage is Over

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Conn chapter.

Apparently British Vogue said that cleavage is not fashionable anymore, so ladies let’s chop those ta-tas off! It seems that all my big breasted girls no longer have “the look” anymore #sadface. If you didn’t realize, that was sarcasm. Please don’t chop of your boobs in the name of fashion.

This is actually not very surprising news.  If you haven’t noticed, smaller breasted models and clothes have been mainstream in the fashion world for several years now. It started off slow, but it looks like our smaller breasted sisters are finally being celebrated and can be confident without the push up. Remember when Victoria’s Secret said, “no padding is sexy now?” This was a great step in accepting women regardless of their breast size, making them feel beautiful, especially coming from the a brand that pushes push-up bras more than the bras push up boobs.

Unfortunately, that message didn’t translate well with a lot of consumers.  In fact, VS was accused of shaming larger breasted women.  With the rise and popularity of bralettes and “wearable lingerie” in the fashion world, the desire for bigger breasts has decreased. The unpadded bralettes and wearable lingerie are things big breasted girls can’t physically wear since we need legitimate support. The fashion industry, media, and general society are finally accepting smaller breasts which is absolutely fantastic, BUT now they are calling out the big breasted girls for not being “in fashion”.

Here’s how the girls of HC UConn reacted to the news:

Natasha Santana: “I think it is disappointing. Women should be able to do as they please without feeling insecure about it. Body shapes are not fashions or trends and articles like this one can lead to body dysmorphia. Why can’t a women love her body, no matter her boobs, waist, and thigh size, without being shamed?”

Lauren Olivo: “I think my biggest issue about this is that it’s intrinsically telling girls who have larger breasts that they’re not fashionable or trendy because of that. Smaller breasts are already normalized in the media and especially in the fashion industry, so it’s upsetting that there’s now another voice telling girls who don’t conform to these body “norms” that there’s something wrong with them. It’s a lot easier to cover up or hide cleavage when you don’t have any, and it makes those who do feel like they don’t belong.”

Dana Kringel: “Honestly, I’m just bummed because the currently fashionable high-necked shirts leave no room for my boobs. All I want is to be #free.”

Jackie Nappo: “Wait, cleavage cannot be over, my boobs are alive and well. Cleavage=boobs. I’m confused as to where Vogue thinks the boobs went? Insane claim. As if people will ever not enjoy looking at boobs, like okay, yeah, sure.”

Lily Zappulla: “Speaking from a life long member of the IBTC (itty bitty titty committee), I’m PUMPED! MY TIME HAS FINALLY ARRIVED! It’s refreshing to hear that other parts of a woman’s body are finally being celebrated, since boobs have dominated for, like, ever.”

Flannery Mackin: “I’m also pumped for my peeps in the IBTC. HOWEVER, since I have not been genetically #blessed with the convenience of smaller boobs, I’m not sure what these people want me to do.  It’s too late now and my boobs literally cannot go anywhere.”

Nikki Harris: “If boobs are out, then I don’t care about being in. If anyone under a C-cup can go into a store and more often than not find clothing that fits them whether it be tops, bras, or bikinis, and people with D+ cups have to go to specific outlets to purchase clothing, when have big boobs ever actually been “in” in terms of fashion? Sure, it’s a popular look in the media now to have big boobs and curves, but the fact that women can’t go and shop for their bodies comfortably or without spending an exorbitant amount of money on bigger bra sizes, means you can’t claim big boobs are out when designers have never made an effort for them to be in.”

Olivia Piper: “I like the idea of embracing other body parts (thighs, butts) that haven’t traditionally been embraced by the fashion community and in general, our society.  However, doing that at the expense of boobs is weird and unnecessary. You can love all parts of yourself/others at once, one thing doesn’t have to be ‘over’, and shouldn’t be.”

Anne Trager: “When are tummies going to be ‘in’? #Askingforafriend #askingforme #noboobs #nobutt #ivegotthegut


Let’s have a little history lesson here. The 90s and 2000s was the era of having boobs galore, and having a curvy behind was a big no-no. Now let’s flash forward to present day, 2016.  It’s the era of the big booty and now smaller breasts?  Well that’s the beauty of having a voice.  We can tell British Vogue to “bugger off” and let them know that women don’t have to follow a specific rulebook. Fashion is expressing yourself through clothes and accessories that make you feel beautiful and confident. Fashion is feeling good and radiant wearing whatever you’ve got on, weather it’s sweats or a blazer. Fashion is not a body type. Fashion is big boobs, small boobs, and all the inbetweeners rocking what they’ve got. So British Vogue, how about you stop telling readers that a certain body type is not “in” and instead, stick to writing about talented designers who work hard to provide us with real fashion.

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