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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Conn chapter.

It’s raining and as if the miserable weather wasn’t bad enough, now your hair is a mess, your clothes are soaked and your make-up is giving you that I’m-a-raccoon-that-just-went-swimming look.

And then you start to wonder how in the world Rachel McAdams looked so good in the rain circa The Notebook.

We’ve all been there. I’m here to try to make sure you don’t go back there. Through extensive research (aka four years of perpetually rainy Tuesdays in Storrs), here are some of my best tips to keep you looking cute in the rain.

Cute Hair Looks

To keep your hair tame, there are a few things you can do:

If your hair gets out of control in the rain, try using anti-humidity or anti-frizz spray.

The best (and cutest) way to keep your hair out of your face is to braid it, and now, thanks to Elsa they’re back in style. My go-to is a Dutch braid, but if you have more time, fishtail braids are always a hit.

Or, if you want to enhance the slightly-awkwardly-wavy texture rain gives your hair, use some texturizing beachy hair spray and let it get ~wavy~ (beware: this will only work for certain hair types, so make sure you like the effect of the spray on nice days before you add the unpredictability of rain).

Cute Outfit Looks

Don’t let rainy days dampen your outfits by trying the following:

I know the struggle. Jeans get soaking wet and even more dense and uncomfortable than normal once they’ve absorbed every raindrop in sight and leggings get wet, clingy, and, if you get them from Forever 21 like I do, quasi-see-through. Try khakis as a lighter alternative to jeans (I like American Eagle) or fleece-lined leggings as a thicker alternative to leggings.

Buy a cute rain jacket. Light-weight jackets are perfect for keeping you dry in warmer weather, but now that it’s starting to get cold, invest in a heavier one. This will help keep your clothes, hair and face dry (a triple threat).

Another benefit of rain jackets: no need for umbrellas. Sure, umbrellas are the most effective way to keep you dry, but the only thing worse than rainy days is not knowing what to do with your soaking wet umbrella in classrooms on a rainy day.

Invest in a cute pair of rain boots. And yes, a good pair of rain boots is quite the investment. I bought a pair of Hunters last year and paired them with heavy socks to use through the snow in the winter. Whether you buy a classic neutral color or a brighter color, you can’t go wrong! (as long as you don’t clash with your rain jacket)

Cute Makeup Looks

AKA How to Not Look Like a Raccoon 101:

Try to stay as natural as possible. Use waterproof foundation, or just try using tinted moisturizer. Besides that, go easy on your makeup—especially your eyes!

Steer away from a smoky eye and go for more of a light look. I like to go mainly natural with a little light pink and purple eyeshadow for a brighter look. My favorite is the e.l.f. Long-lasting Lustrous Eyeshadow in Soiree because it adds a little sparkle without being too much.

If you’re going to use mascara or eyeliner (I usually don’t) then make sure it’s waterproof! And go easy on the eyeliner—you definitely don’t want it to smudge throughout the day. Pro tip: if your makeup would run if you cry, then it will run in the rain.

If you want a pop of color, add some to your lips. Find something that will last you the whole day with minimal touch-ups. My favorite is the NARS Velvet Matte Lip Pencil in Cruella.

Cute Life Looks

The easiest way to look not-cute is to look absolutely miserable. The easiest way to look not-absolutely-miserable is with the right playlist. Here are some of my picks for cheery, rainy-day songs:

            Change of Seasons- Sweet Things

            Cheer Up- A Great Big World

            500 Miles- The Proclaimers

            High- Young Rising Sons

            Sweet Disposition- The Temper Trap

            (and of course) Come Clean- Hilary Duff

If you’re feeling more dramatic, go for some songs that they would play when it rains in movies and the main character has an epiphany (you know the type). Then use your rainy walks as a time for some deep thought.

No matter how rainy it is or how much it’s messing up your look, don’t let it stop you from living your life.

The best way to look cute on rainy days is confidence, a positive attitude and a smile!

Jackie is a senior at UConn studying Actuarial Science and Finance. She's low-key addicted to alternative breaks, Netflix and Lifesaver "Wint O Green" mints. In her free time, she enjoys ordering late night food, pretending to be sporty, and throwing impromptu dance parties in her room. You can find her on Twitter @xowackiejackie.