It’s safe to say Hannah Halloran is one of the most involved people on campus here at UConn. Â She is a member of a competitive dance team, an a capella group, works with a theater group, has a part-time job, and conducts research for her major. Â How does she do it? Â She definitely takes advantage of all UConn has to offer and fully embraces her college life. Â Hannah is the type of person you want to be friends with. Â She is kind, sincere, and always smiling. Â Here is a glimpse into the crazy busy, fun-filled life of Hannah Halloran.
Year: Sophomore
Major: Human Development and Family Studies
Hometown: Monroe, CT
Q: How long have you been singing and dancing?
HH: I guess it all started when I was three where my one goal in life was to grow up and be Diana Ross. In all seriousness, I have been dancing since I was three years old. I went to the Newtown Centre of Classical Ballet for 15 years and started doing musicals when I was in 4th grade. I also sang in chorus and jazz band when I was in high school.
Q: How did you know you wanted to continue with it in college?
HH: To be honest, it’s not that I wanted to, but that I needed to. I knew I wanted to dance in college but I never really thought about singing. After one semester of strictly singing in the shower, I went a little stir crazy and decided to audition for a musical with Dramatic P.A.W.S. And then I heard about a cappella last semester, and knew that I had to audition. I took for granted how therapeutic singing in the car was until I didn’t have a car to sing in.
Q: What made you choose to dance with UConn Kickline?
HH:Â Before coming to UConn, I knew a couple people on the team and I heard so many great things about it. For me, one of the most crucial aspects of having a successful college experience is having a strong support system I can always rely on and have fun with. Kickline has been that group for me and has brought me to some of my best friends in the world.
Q: What was the thought process behind your decision to join the a capella group Extreme Measures?
HH: I feel at home with ExM. After hearing them at this year’s rush concert, I knew I had to audition for them; I loved their style and their sound. Every group I auditioned for I loved, the a cappella community at UConn is really amazing. When I auditioned for Extreme Measures, however, it seemed like a perfect fit. It’s only been a little while, but they already feel like family. Every time I’m with them it’s just another confirmation of why I love ExM.
Q: What is the most rewarding thing about being a member of these groups?
HH:Â Definitely the people. As busy as it can get sometimes, the people I have met and the friends I have made makes it all worthwhile. When classes or work get stressful, I get to go dance or make music with people and there is no greater feeling than that.
Q: What other things do you do on campus?
HH: I have been involved with a theater group on campus, Dramatic P.A.W.S. I got to be in Spring Awakening last spring which is one of my favorite memories at school so far. I also work at the Center for Career Development as a career intern and do research in HDFS looking for predictors and gender differences in adolescent anxiety and depression. When I have a break for myself, you can find me in the Beanery or at Dog Lane Café drinking chai.
Q: Why should other students be a part of these groups?
HH: Whether you sing, dance, act, or direct, there are so many ways to get involved on campus. If you have done it for your whole life or are looking to get involved for the first time, all of these groups allow you a space to be creative and make friends. The music and dance community at UConn is so large and diverse; there is a group for everyone. One of my personal favorites is Husky Bhangra– check them out, they rock! In the end, it’s all about what makes you happy and these groups are definitely what make me happy.
All photos provided by Hannah Halloran.