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Tree with fall foliage in the shape of a heart.
Tree with fall foliage in the shape of a heart.
Original photo by Alex Arnold
Culture > Entertainment

Must-Adds To Your Fall Playlist (According To Me)

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Conn chapter.

The chill is in the air. Leaves are becoming that melody of red, yellow, and orange that we all know and love. We have all retired our summer clothes with cozy sweatpants and cool-toned clothing, in a comforting way that says everything will be alright. Fall has finally arrived. What better way to ring in yet another relaxing fall season than with music that paints the scene? Music, just like movies or TV, has genres or moods. In my expert opinion, I believe to fully be in tune with your environment, your playlist must fit your surroundings. After all, music can be the key to one’s soul.

“Sunday Morning”- Maroon 5

Back in the golden years of Maroon 5, circa 2002, they released an album called Songs About Jane. In it was this masterpiece. Opening up the song with simple guitar chords and Adam Levine’s beautiful voice creates a perfect complimentary mix. This song is an ode to an unnamed lover and a truly thoughtful one at that. Although most songs I associate with fall tend to be slow, this one is more upbeat, and what some would call a “feel-good song.”

“Had to hear”- Real Estate

Before I discovered this song in a Starbucks one fateful day, I had never heard of anything like it. This hauntingly beautiful song tends to the well-known feeling of being stuck in your own head. The singer is conflicted between choosing to go back with his lover or to embrace his loneliness. This song is slow, but not necessarily sad, and is complete with a guitar solo. I encourage everyone to go listen to this song, and the fact that it is not so popular adds to its depth.

“cowboy like me”- Taylor Swift

How could I make it through a list of music without including Taylor Swift? “Cowboy like me” comes from Swift’s quintessential fall album evermore. This song deals with Swift explaining her confusion over love and her desire to be alone. The unforgettable verse, “Now you hang from my lips like the Gardens of Babylon/With your boots beneath my bed/Forever is the sweetest con,” is some of Swift’s best lyrical work, especially paired with the building instrumentals. From just the album cover alone, this song is perfect for fall (and so is the rest of evermore).

“1979”- the smashing Pumpkins

This 1995 masterpiece released by the veteran group “The Smashing Pumpkins,” encapsulates the fall spirit. When I imagine this song, autumn comes to mind, and not only because of the name of the band (although that helps). This song has an unconventional, yet timeless sound that makes it still relevant now. The sound perfectly blends a mix of synths and guitar tunes to create alternative rock perfection.

“Harvest Moon”- Neil young

One of my all-time favorite songs is this beautiful ballad. In a heartwarming way, Young pays tribute to his then-wife Pegi Young. This gradual song has a main guitar element and carries that same message of adoration throughout the piece. Young’s lyrics through the song are “Because I’m still in love with you/I wanna see you dance again/Because I’m still in love with you/On this harvest moon.”

“Sedona”- Houndmouth

In this more upbeat song compared to the majority on this list, the band grabs the listener’s attention with their prominent singing and guitar rhythms. The song continues to build until it pulses in the third verse, combining a mix of strong vocals and a folk-rock sound that keeps listeners coming back for more.

“Sara”- Fleetwood mac

Ending this list with a bang is the lesser-known tune of “Sara” by “Fleetwood Mac.” Compared to its equally moving counterparts of “Dreams” and “The Chain,” the masterpiece of “Sara” is often unfairly forgotten. This song contains aspects of great lyricism and master vocals by the one and only Stevie Nicks. “Sara” follows the broad concepts of love and loss, and how the two coincide. This deeply beautiful track includes lyrics like “Drowning in the sea of love/Where everyone would love to drown/But not it’s gone/It doesn’t matter what for/When you build your house/Then call me home.” These painful lyrics paint the story of heartbreak and grief. In my opinion, the outro of this song is the best part because it leaves us with echoes of backing vocals to make the listener think about what they just experienced.

There are many more songs I could add to this list, but these are the ones that truly stand out to me. In my definition, a classic “fall” song is one that has a prolonged or “interesting” beat and strong vocals. For me, these songs are typically slower as they match the season, gradual yet beautiful. All in all, I hope this list is understandable from my point of view and I hope it inspires you to expand your music taste!

Rylee Cassidy is a freshman currently enrolled in University of Connecticut and majoring in Communications. She is from a small town in New Jersey. When she is not writing, she enjoys playing tennis, listening to music, gardening, and hanging out with the people she loves.