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3 Takeaways From My First Month Of Nursing Clinicals

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Conn chapter.

It’s the start of a new semester, and with it comes fresh experiences. Now that I am officially a junior, I am beginning my clinical nursing rotations at the hospital! After four long semesters filled with late nights and weekends full of studying, I have finally reached this moment. While I have been eager for hands-on experience, I would be lying if I said I wasn’t terrified. This is the time to take the knowledge I’ve gained in the classroom and simulation labs and apply it to real patients. Not only that, but I want to be able to put my best foot forward and showcase to the nurses on my unit that I am capable of the tasks at hand and can represent the School of Nursing well. As I complete my first month, not only do I believe that I have been proving that I can handle tasks given to me, but I have solidified that I chose the right profession for my future.

1. Learning how to Chart Effectively 

One of the first things I learned before stepping foot onto my unit was understanding the hospital’s charting system, EPIC. This is the platform where the healthcare team learns about their patients’ health history, reviews lab results, and sees previous assessments before uploading their own. The significance of precise and thorough charting was ingrained into my mind. My instructor always says to view charting as creating a story, aiming to provide an accurate depiction of the patient for the next provider to view. My first few attempts at charting clearly showed that I was a beginner. It took several tries to learn not only how to document a more complete assessment, but also how to navigate the system as a whole, which is far from simple. Ultimately, this process has taught me the importance of diligence and accuracy in patient care documentation. 

2. Practicing Patient-Centered Care 

Since beginning my clinical journey, I have had the privilege of getting to care for a handful of individuals. Each comes from a different background, and has different levels of need based on their care plan. After learning about these patients from their nurses and patient care technicians (PCTs), I would go into their rooms and introduce myself, informing them of my role as their student nurse for the day, and making sure they know that I was there to help take care of them to the best of my abilities. To my relief, each of my patients was very welcoming and willing to let me be part of their care team. My main role is assisting them in some of their activities of daily living, such as walking, bathing, brushing their teeth and/or hair, and more. With every interaction, I learned to be more present, listen more intently, and foster a connection with them. The fear of making a mistake slowly transformed into motivation to do my best to ensure that they were well taken care of and heard. These experiences have deepened my understanding of patient-centered care and reinforced my commitment to making a positive impact in their lives.

3. We Are Stronger Together 

Over the course of my clinical experience thus far, I have seen first-hand the importance of teamwork throughout the healthcare system. I collaborated closely with the nurses, PCTs, and other members of the healthcare team to make sure that the patients were making their way toward their main goal of getting discharged from the hospital. Each interaction presented me with the opportunity to learn and ask questions. It is crucial to understand that patient care is never a solitary endeavor, but rather, a symphony of coordinated efforts. Since I am a nursing student, it is my responsibility to not only help the nurses and PCTs, but also my fellow classmates. We are learning together and lean on each other to help us, and our patients, reach our goals for the day. This collective effort not only enhances our learning experience, but also fosters a sense of camaraderie that is essential in such a demanding environment. I am grateful to be part of such a collaborative group, and I look forward to continuing to grow together as we continue this journey.

Although I am nowhere near finished with this rotation, I feel a well of pride. I am learning to face my fears and anxiety, embracing new challenges, and gaining invaluable skills. Each week brings opportunities for growth, and I am increasingly confident in my abilities as a future nurse. The unwavering support from my instructor and peers has been instrumental in this journey, from navigating the complexities of providing patient care to charting. As I continue through this rotation, I look forward to further developing my skills, deepening my understanding of patient needs, and contributing positively to my other groupmates and the lives of those I care for. This experience is shaping not only my professional journey, but also my personal growth, and I am excited for what lies ahead. 

Michaela Elam is a sophomore nursing student at the University of Connecticut. She mainly writes articles based around entertainment industry, but is starting to branch out into more topics college centered. Since a young age, Michaela developed a passion for writing, and knew that she wanted to find an outlet to continue while in college. In the future, she hopes to work in the healthcare field as a Nurse Practitioner. In her free time, Michaela enjoys going to the gym, hanging with friends, and going for long drives. She is also an avid listener of R&B music, and is always down for a game of Uno.