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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Conn chapter.

Beauty comes in all sorts of shapes and sizes. Some girls are skinny, others are curvy, and many fall in between, but the important part is that all are okay. I am not skinny and this is a fact, but with summer rapidly approaching there is an added pressure to have the perfect beach body. Yet even with all of the additional pressure, my goal has never been to be skinny, it has always been to be happy.

I, just like every other human being, have moments where my confidence is compromised and I don’t feel comfortable in my own skin. During these episodes of doubt I have often received comments like “Stop it, you’re so skinny.” Although they always have the best intentions, I have become quite annoyed by this choice of solace and here’s why:

All my life I struggled to come to terms with the fact that I will never be skinny, which is simply a result my genetic makeup and is not a bad thing.There is nothing I can do about it. No amount of dieting and exercise will magically rid me of my genetics. Although I do work out regularly and watch what I eat, I do not do that with the intent of becoming skinny, I do it because it makes me feel good about myself. 


I love my curves, and the simple truth is that they will always be a part of who I am. I may never look like Gigi Hadid or Kendall Jenner but that does not make me any less beautiful. Although it has been a long journey to get here, I have learned to accept my curves. A year ago I would not have been confident enough to have my picture taken in a bikini, but now I am comfortable enough to use that image as the thumbnail picture for this article. My body may not be considered beautiful by societal views, but I am healthy, happy, and most importantly proud of who I am. So, please, do not lie to me and call me skinny. Instead, if you want to compliment me begin by calling me smart, hardworking, confident, etc., because those things are more important than my physical assets and whether or not I am considered skinny.

Being skinny should not be the ultimate goal. Although being thin is by no means a negative trait, the ultimate goal should be body positivity. Everyone needs to learn how to accept their bodies and aim to be comfortable in their own skin. Confidence is what beauty consists of  and learning to love yourself is what makes you beautiful. Young women need to embrace and encourage each other. The pressure of a perfect body is not what should be important. Rather, acceptance and encouragement to live happy healthy lifestyles is what is most important.


We all need to learn to accept our own flaws and understand that self-worth is more than just a number, statistic, or societal viewpoint. For anyone struggling with body image, know that you are not a reflection of a number on a scale or the comments that people may make. Everybody comes in different shapes and sizes and that is okay. In fact, it is more than okay and everyone should be celebrated for who they are.