Female leads provide inspiration to all female viewers. They also provide insight to the entire audience about the power of a determined woman. Winter’s Bone starring Jennifer Lawrence is the perfect example of the power of a female lead.
Shredded garments and somber music accompanied with a fearful facial expression quickly drew the audience’s focus to Jennifer Lawrence as Ree Dolly, a 17-year-old girl in the opening scene. As the following scenes developed, we realize this character works extremely hard to be caretaker for the entire family, even when all odds are against her. This assured the audience that Ree Dolly would be the hero of this melodrama/thriller. As Ree’s journey to find her father, Jessup Dolly, advances, the audience begins to see that Ree is going to fight against this power struggle built around male dominance. Her ambition and inner drive to save her helpless family is both admirable and unique. The film takes on the distinct qualities of both a thriller and a melodrama.
The battle between women has always been apparent, from “cat fights” in the cafeteria to today’s girl against girl bullying through social media. The common denominator within this struggle has been the need for male attention or approval for decades. The film Winter’s Bone makes a strong statement about the repercussions of male control and its effect on women’s relationships with one another. Ree Dolly reaches out to numerous family members while frantically searching for her father. Although she sets out to speak to male figures, it is always the women who she must answer to first. It was almost as if the women worked for the men. This pattern acts as an indication of the power order within this film. The powerlessness within these women generates a sense of frustration causing them to strike out on each other. The three sisters in the film symbolize the use of male intimidation and the struggle between as a direct result of fear and frustration of male superiority. Today we see this power order within several careers and even in some households. This film gives women hope and guidance through such struggles.Â
Winter’s Bone tells the story of a young woman who must overcome the misfortunes of which she has been dealt. This strong female lead that focuses on the inner life of Ree Dolly demonstrates the strength within women to over come such strong power structures Ree showed great determination and perseverance, a true role model.Â