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‘The Longest Goodbye’: Rating Role Model’s ‘Kansas Anymore’ Deluxe Tracks

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Conn chapter.

I’m not sure how you spent your Valentine’s Day this past February, but I know I was anxiously awaiting the release of Role Model’s deluxe edition of his sophomore album, Kansas Anymore. Role Model, whose real name is Tucker Pillsbury, announced his deluxe album on Feb. 10, with much anticipation from his fans. Aptly titled The Longest Goodbye, the four deluxe tracks revisit Kansas Anymore‘s themes of love, heartbreak, and self-discovery, while also still carrying on the ability to dance through the pain (I’m looking at you, “Sally”).

Before we get into it, just for some clarification, I am going by track listing, not by least favorite to favorite!

“Old Recliners”

Rating: 3.5/5

I think “Old Recliners” is a nice way to kick off the deluxe tracks! Out of the four songs, I will say this one is my least favorite, but that doesn’t mean it’s bad, I just think the others have more potential! I enjoy the instrumentals of the song (the guitar is so good), and I love the bridge, but overall I think it just drags a little much for my liking. I appreciate the introspective nature of the song, but I definitely think the other tracks are stronger and are more appealing, so there’s a good chance “Old Recliners” won’t be making my Spotify Wrapped this year.

“sally, When The Wine Runs Out”

Rating: 5/5

This song slaps! I don’t know how else to put it, I really think it’s a perfect pop song. Role Model had teased “Sally” on TikTok at the end of January with a video of him dancing to the bridge of the song, and fans (myself included) were immediately intrigued. It’s so upbeat and fun, the instrumentals are immaculate, and it’s just great vibes all around. I constantly catch myself humming “Heard through the grapevine, she can be a diva…” throughout the entire day, I really do love this song so much.

All he wanted to do was shake ass, and that’s exactly what he did.

“Some Protector”

Rating: 4.75/5

Hey, Tucker…are you okay? Do you need to talk to someone? “Some Protector” hurt to listen to. I figured it wasn’t going to be upbeat, let alone happy by any means, but hearing “Am I lying to my mother?/That someday I’ll find another?” after jamming to “Sally” was like a punch to the gut. I’m a sucker for a sad song, especially if it’s a sad love song, and this met my criteria. He’s still holding onto his past love, and while he knows that it’s over and done for good, he realizes that part of him will always care and want to protect her. It’s heartbreaking but beautiful.

“The Longest Goodbye”

Rating: 4/5

And so, we’ve reached the final song of the deluxe tracks, and also the namesake of the deluxe album. Upon my initial listen, I immediately thought about how “The Longest Goodbye” reminded me of “You’ve Got a Friend in Me” from Toy Story. I admit I was a little taken aback, as this style of song was not what I was expecting at all. But, after a few listens, I’ve come to appreciate “The Longest Goodbye” for what it is: a nostalgic look back on a former relationship, and how Tucker’s come to process what was. Kansas Anymore really seemed to have focused on his still lingering love for his ex-girlfriend, but The Longest Goodbye really seals the deal that it’s all over with. She moved on, he moved on, and the only place to go next is forward. The most devastating part of this whole song is the lyric switch up from “I’m deeply still in love, in love with you” from his song “Deeply Still in Love” to “I don’t think I love you anymore.”

shaking ass and shedding tears

As far as deluxe tracks go, I think The Longest Goodbye has some of my favorites. I enjoy that it’s a mix of upbeat and fun, but also thoughtful and introspective tracks as well. I’m really loving this era and type of music from Role Model, I think it suits him very well. It’s pop, folk, and a little bit of country, and I’m obsessed. I can’t wait to see what he does next!

Haley Cohan

U Conn '26

Haley Cohan is a Junior at the University of Connecticut studying Political Science with a minor in Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies. She primarily enjoys writing about pop culture and music, but throws in the occasional sports piece. When she isn't writing for Her Campus, Haley can be found reading, listening to music, and spending time with her friends in her free time. Always willing to discuss Taylor Swift or Formula 1 racing, she always has something to say about the recent pop culture events.