This time last year, I was already fretting about my boyfriend of two years leaving me to graduate and start his real life. Dramatic, I know… but hey, that’s me. Fast forward a full year and we have been long-distance since June and life could not be better. Let me preface this by saying that we were introduced to long-distance life very early. In fact, only 7 months after we began dating. I spend my summers in Italy, so I knew sooner or later we would have to toughen up and make it work while literally being across the world from one another. Thankfully, we’re now only a four-hour car ride away, but listen, it still gets hard sometimes. Here are some tips on how to make your long-distance relationship work:
Work On You
I never thought I would say this, but I actually like long-distance. Don’t get me wrong, it’s definitely not the same, but there are some pros to it. Ever since June, I have really tried to work on myself and strive to become the best version of me that I can be. Take the time to take care of yourself: indulge in self-care, participate in your favorite activities, and eat delicious food. Now is the time where you don’t have to focus on anyone but yourself, so take advantage of that!
Set a Date
My biggest tip for a successful long-distance relationship is to have an end date. Whether that be an end date to the entire long-distance aspect or simply an end date to your time apart, having something to look forward to will help tremendously. Whenever my boyfriend and I are together, we always make sure to have our next trip planned out. Either I will search my calendar and find a time I can commit to seeing him or it’s the other way around. By doing this, you’re avoiding the uncertainty that can come along with an LDR, along with creating something that you both can look forward to when times get hard.
Dnt Txt
I never used to understand this when I would hear people talking about LDRs, but now I definitely do. I’m not saying to not text at all, but I do recommend keeping the communication throughout the day to a minimum and then FaceTiming at night. This way, you both will have points of conversation for FaceTime, rather than briefly discussing it via text. FaceTime also gives you the opportunity to see each other’s faces, hear each other’s laughs, and feel as if you’re almost physically next to each other.
Be Present
My last tip is to be present, both when you’re with your partner and when you’re not. When you’re both spending time away, focus on yourself. But, also be present with your friends and family; enjoy your time with your loved ones and truly soak it all in. When you are with your partner, cherish your time together and live in the present moment, savoring every bit of time spent together. If you live like this, all areas of your life will be full: yourself, your relationships, and your love.
I hope these tips can help you to ease the burdens that can come along with a long=distance relationship. Remember, we all have our moments of struggle, but it’s the journey that counts, not the destination.