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Michele Hu / Spoon
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What Type of Bagel You are Based on Your Major

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Conn chapter.

My roommate and I had a long discussion the other day at dinner about all the different types of majors offered here at UConn. We also pointed out the fact that there a many different types of bagels, and naturally came to the conclusion that there is a correlation between someone’s major and the type of bagel they come off as. As my roommate’s sweatshirt reads, “the whole world’s a bag of bagels.” Some are sweet, some simple, some messy, and some vibrant— but in the end, they are all just bagels. After a lot of debate, we came up with this list determining what bagel you are based on your major:

Science and MAth: Pumpernickel

A sophisticated bagel. Many avoid it because they don’t really understand it or know what it tastes like, but it’s in every bagel shop anyway. It’s got a rich flavor that takes time to appreciate, but definitely isn’t for everyone.

Arts: Rainbow

Rainbow bagels are vibrant, fun to be around, and full of personality. They may taste like any other bagel, but they make up for it in good looks and character.

Rainbow Bagel
Anna Thetard / Her Campus

Business & Economics: Plain

A popular major paired with a popular bagel. It’s a common choice favored by many both uncertain, or completely certain, of what they want and enjoy.

Engineering & Technology: Asiago

And now on the other end of the spectrum, we have a complicated major paired with a complicated name. They sound like they’d be expensive…something only an engineering major could afford every day.

Jocelyn Hsu / Spoon

COmmunications: Poppy Seed

Basically a plain bagel with a bit of pizazz. Wants to pass off as a fancy science, but is more practical than the rest of them.

Education: Blueberry

A popular choice for sweet-tooths and sweet people! They think every kid is going to love them, but most just go for the plain instead.

Languages: Cinnamon-Raisin

These bagels aren’t always the first-choice, but those who do pick them keep going back again and again. There’s a lot these bagels have to offer, but they tend to be ignored for more popular choices.

The Lalabagel And Iced Coffee
Her Campus Media

Social Science: Sesame

Another plain bagel with a bit of pizazz. Popular choice for many, and although people might think it’s a little basic, there’s a lot to love that’ll keep you coming back for more.

Health Care: Multi-grain

They have great intentions, but are judged from afar. Once you get to tasting, they really are as good as any other bagel! Especially with the benefits they provide!

History: Everything

They’re complicated and can get very, very messy. It’s a classic bagel that most have heard of and tried, but few really know everything it’s made up of.

Cafe Bagle Coffee Laptop
Michele Hu / Spoon

All jokes aside, every bagel (or major) is a good bagel. Whatever works for you is best! Now that you’ve made it to the end of this article, go treat yourself to your favorite bagel! You deserve it <3

Makenna is an Associate Editor of Her Campus UConn. She is currently a Senior double majoring in English and Psychology who loves using her writing to help others decompress from the chaos that is life and learn more about culture, academics, and wellness along the way. Makenna is also a Supervisor for the UC cafes around campus, so if you ever see her working behind the barista machine and need a quick pick-me-up make sure to stop by! She additionally commutes to her home in Milford, CT to work her second job as a teacher at a local children's fitness center. In her spare time, Makenna enjoys crocheting, practicing yoga, and playing her favorite cozy video games. She is a Hozier fanatic, lover of cats, and is always down for a Studio Ghibli movie night. <3