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Who’s More Qualified to be Secretary of Education?

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Conn chapter.

Despite her lack of experience with the American Public School system, Betsy DeVos was declared the new Secretary of Education and many people are not happy about it. For the first time in American history, the Vice President had to cast a vote in order to break a tie for a presidential cabinet nomination, which Pence gave in DeVos’ favor. The confirmation of DeVos as the nation’s Secretary of Education left many Americans angry and at a loss for words. Many believe that there are by far better candidates for this position. Here is a list of people some writers at HC UConn believe are more qualified to be the secretary of education:

Ms. Norbury

Tina Fey’s character in Mean Girls was a teacher who gave students the wake-up call they truly needed. She was a pusher, she pushed people. Do you know who else needs a wake-up call? This country. 

Susan Herbst 

Who better than UConn’s own president? Imagine having to use the hashtag #ThanksSusan for every choice she makes! 

Jonathan the Husky

The person under that Husky costume is a student… who goes to a public college. He OBVIOUSLY has experience. 

Mrs. Puff

Someone who has dealt with Spongebob a numerous amount of times knows what she’s doing, and she’s a boating school teacher! What more could you ask for?

Mr. Feeny

Do I even have to explain this one?

Ms. Frizzle

Ms. Frizzle was always everyone’s dream teacher as a child. Now she’s everyone’s dream Secretary of Education. 

Corinne Olympios 

Corinne thinks naps are important and so do high school and college students. That’s a vote from me! Plus, she claims to be mature and owns a multi-million dollar company, soooo. 




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**All opinions stated reflect the views of the author as an individual and participants individually, not Her Campus UConn collectively.**