Call Jane follows the story of housewife Joy (played by Elizabeth Banks), who finds out her recent pregnancy is life-threatening. The movie is set in the 60s when women are not automatically granted the right to receive an abortion, and after being denied the opportunity by healthcare professionals, Joy stumbles upon an organization of women who perform underground abortions.
Call Jane, which is set to be released in theaters on October 28th, will undoubtedly make a statement about women’s reproductive rights and freedoms.
Academy-Award Nominee Phyllis Nagy has directed previous female-empowered films such as Carol and Mrs. Harris.
On June 24th of this year, the Supreme Court made the decision to overturn Roe v. Wade, the famous court case ruling which gave women the right to have an abortion safely in this country. The ruling has returned the right to the states to decide whether or not they choose to legalize abortion.
This ruling sparked outrage amongst women everywhere. Many celebrities were quick to speak on the matter.
Amongst the voices were Tiffany Haddish and Olivia Rodrigo. In anger regarding the ability for men to continuously be in control of women’s bodies, Haddish half-joked that it should be “illegal for men to masturbate,” while Rodrigo called out the five members of the Supreme Court during a show saying, “we hate you.”
In today’s day and age, anyone is able to take to social media to speak on political matters. In addition to this, the entertainment industry can make statements of its own as well. Roadside Attractions Production Company and director Phyllis Nagy, are bringing us a movie highlighting the woman’s fight for a say about what happens to her body, and right now could not be a better time for them to do so.
Call Jane’s discussion of women’s reproductive rights will ask the audience to question just how often history repeats itself. The movie was filmed partially in West Hartford, CT last June. Connecticut Governor Ned Lamont has made a statement recently claiming that the state will act as a ‘safe harbor’ for women seeking abortions from states who choose to make it illegal.
You can check out Call Jane in theaters on October 28, 2022.