While a snow day is wonderful at all ages, winter as a whole proves to be an entirely different experience altogether.
1. You Didn’t Have to Walk to Class
Ah, the good old times of sitting in your mom’s warm minivan at the bus stop until your bus came. Now those were the days.
2. Other People Actually Wanted to Play in the Snow With You
God forbid someone gets their freshly straightened hair wet in a quick snowball fight. Do you want to build a snowman? No? Okay.
3. You Could Wear Snowpants
With no fear of judgment.
4. You Didn’t Have to Drive
As if sliding out into an intersection wasn’t a scary enough prospect, there’s also the possibility of having to dig your car out of the snow at 8 am to get to your exam.
5. Winter-themed Crafts
Sitting in class and making paper snowflakes was the bomb, and nobody can tell me otherwise.
6. Not Having to Buy Christmas Presents
Giving your mother said paper snowflakes for a Christmas present was entirely acceptable in 2nd grade… and is a little bit weirder now.
7. All Your Hot Chocolates Were Free
Hot chocolates are arguably the best part of winter, and as a girl with dangerously low levels of points at all times, I’m missing my parent’s wallets.
8. The Ability to Stay Outside Forever
Just standing outside at a soccer game in fall makes my butt freeze, but as a little kid, nobody wanted to come inside until frostbite set in.
Don’t get me wrong, winter is still fun and magical (and as a Northeasterner, a crucial part of life) but sometimes it was easier to be 5-feet-tall in 4 foot snow.