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31 Questions with Jesse Poznikowich

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Iowa chapter.

Jesse Poznikowich


1) Major: Industrial Engineering
2) Hometown: South Saint Paul, Minnesota
3) Age: 20
4) Relationship Status: single
5) Astrological Sign? Do you believe in them, if so what characteristics do you embody: Aquarius and no
6) Favorite Place on Campus: Pentacrest
7) What do you want to be when you grow up? Industrial Engineer
8) Dream job if money were no object? Industrial Engineer
9) If you were stranded on an island and could only have one thing what would it be? Computer
10) Favorite Movie? Shawshank Redemption
11) Favorite late night food? Pizza
12) How do you spend your Sundays? Doing homework
13) Three words to describe yourself? smart, quiet, kind
14) Biggest fear? Dying in a plane crash
15) Favorite animal? Lion
16) First thing you notice about a girl? eyes
17) Favorite pick up line? Hi!
18) Words you live by? Treat others the way you want to be treated.
19) Embarrassing moment? Falling down the stairs at the Seamans Center
20) Guilty pleasure? Chipotle
21) Date you would take a girl? dinner and a movie
22) Biggest pet peeve? When people interrupt me
23) Favorite class you have taken? Computers in Englneering
24) My friends make fun of me for… doing a lot of homework
25) In high school what stereotype did you embody? 80s athlete
26) Favorite childhood book? Green Eggs and Ham
27) In ten years I see myself… with a great job and family
28) I never leave home without… an iPhone
29) Favorite superhero? Batman
30) Favorite holiday? Christmas
31) Actor you would want to play you in a lifetime movie? Brad Pitt