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7 Questions You Are Sure to Hear Over Thanksgiving

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Iowa chapter.

Well, the holiday season is here, ladies, and as much as we would like to just go to Grandma’s house, stuff our faces, and spend the rest of our day laying on the couch watching football, there is no avoiding those ever-dreaded questions that always seem to come when seeing family.  These questions can be a harsh reality to how our lives are not going as planned and extremely detrimental to our self-esteem (a little dramatic? Nah!). Whether from dear old Grandma, Aunt Cindy, or your adorable two-year-old cousin, here are questions you are SURE to hear this Thanksgiving break…

How’s school going? Do you like your classes?

Hello, we’re on break. I’d rather not bring up the three papers I have due the Tuesday I get back that I haven’t even started on. The only thing we hate more than taking our classes is talking about the classes. Just let me eat please. 

What’s your major again?

Hmm, let’s see, last week it was Pre-Med because I binge-watched a season of “Grey’s Anatomy” that one night. But yeah this week I think it’s Journalism…

How’s the love life?

*Thinks back to the cute boy you made eye contact with at the rec a couple weeks ago* Oh yeah, my love life has been really solid lately. Talking to a couple of boys, yanno keeping my options open, too. Nothing too serious, I’ve got plenty of time for that.

What are your plans for the summer? An internship or anything?

I can’t even decide what I want to make myself for breakfast, let alone plan for an internship that wouldn’t even start for another six months. Umm yeah, I’m thinking I’ll probably wait a little while, wait for the perfect internship to come at me.

How’s apartment living?

Besides the fact that I have learned that I am bad at “adulting,” hate paying bills, and have eaten chocolate for supper at least three days in a row one week, oh yeah I love it so much!

When do you go back to school?

I do not need to be reminded that in three short days I’ll be back to school for the three weeks that may be the end of me because finals and papers and no sleep and stress. Just please let me eat.

Are you really going to eat that?

Is that supposed to be a lowkey fat joke? Yes, I am going to eat that, and then I’ll probably have another piece of pie, and I am not going to feel bad about this.  I haven’t had a home cooked meal for about a month… I deserve this food. I will eat as much as I please, and then I’m going to put on my big, comfy sweater that doesn’t show the food baby, and no one will know. 

These questions may make you want to never come home for break again, but deep down we all know that they’re out of pure love. Your family will always want the best for you. Enjoy the family time that Thanksgiving brings, and don’t let any of these dreaded questions bring down your holiday spirit! Good luck, Collegiettes!










Hi, my name is Lexi Atzen. I am a Sophomore at the University of Iowa and am working on a major in Journalism and Mass Communication with an interest in Human Relations. I have strong interests in running, writing, drinking coffee, and football. You can catch me in Kinnick on gamedays and in a coffee shop any other time.
U Iowa chapter of the nation's #1 online magazine for college women.