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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Iowa chapter.

There are two types of people who exist in this world: the people who tune in every Monday for The Bachelor and the people who absolutely hate it. Every season Chris Harrison speaks the typical words of, “The most dramatic season in Bachelor History.” After the twisted ending of Hannah’s season with Jedd, I was really excited to see how Peter’s season would turn out.

I’m not going to lie, having Hannah come back on the show made me upset just for the fact that she had her chance with Peter before he became the Bachelor. She got the best of both worlds with meeting up with Tyler after her seaspm ended, and now was allowed on the show to confess her confused feelings for Peter. All of Bachelor nation knows she messed up. I understand she is under contract with ABC so she is kind of forced to do as they say, but even if they end up together in the end, I still believe Peter should get the shot of finding “love” on the show. 

So far this season, the drama has been drawn out throughout multiple episodes and has really focused on certain girls throughout the show more than others. One main example is Alayna coming back on the show. All the drama with who is being honest and not has been a big deal this season. Peter is having a hard time really listening to himself and going with his gut. He keeps being told different stories and I believe that it is forcing him to only focus on certain girls rather than giving all the girls equal time. 

ABC certainly has outdone themselves this season with creating more and more drama to keep viewers tuned in each week. For example, Chase Rice dating Victoria F.? The producers really outdid themselves with that. Or the whole champagne incident? Seems like a setup to me, AND of course it had to be Kelsey from IOWA. I truly believe Peter is wanting to find love, but with so much being thrown at him can he really focus on finding The One? Who knows – maybe Hannah really is the one, and all of this drama is just for the show and there is a big twist in the end. 

Lastly, lets talk about Peter’s mom crying in previews saying to “bring her home.” Who is she talking about? The producers really create a surprise element in this season, and to be honest I don’t know what else they can do to continue to make this show more crazy. Drama is bound to start with that many women living in one secluded area at a time, but with the help of ABC Productions, these ladies have so many more twists ahead. This only means for us as viewers we must stay tuned each week to keep up with what will happen next.  


Image Credit: Image 1, Image 2

Abigail is a freshman and is majoring in Journalism and Mass Communication with a minor in Art as well as a certificate in Entrepreneurship. Abigail has a passion for fashion, running, and photography.
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