Everything changes in the fall, right? Maybe even the major that you thought for sure was going to be the one for you?? DON’T PANIC. It’s that time of year, you’ve gotten familiar with your classes, maybe even had a test or two. You’ve started to recognize what kind of careers your major will offer in the future. It’s a bit overwhelming, and you either love it or want to leave it.
Changing majors is a very scary thing, especially as a freshman. But here are some tips that may give you some comfort and advice.
You are not wasting your money or time. It seems like it, I know, after attending classes that essentially didn’t get you anywhere. But in reality, it gave you some perspective on what you don’t want, which is just as important as figuring out what you want to do with your life.
Don’t base your choice off of the difficulty of classes. Yes, the first college classes are going to be tough. They may seem almost impossible. But that is no reason to up and drop the major. College is a big step from high school classes and takes some time to get used to. Make sure you know the difference between not liking the subject and not liking the work it takes! You’ll get used to the homework and difficulty as time goes on, no worries!
EXPLORE. There are so many majors out there and potential careers that you may not know anything about. Take a visit to the Pomerantz Center; they know their stuff over there. It’ll be worth it.
Gen Eds are very important. Everyone is required to take certain classes no matter their major, so take them as an opportunity to look into other subject fields as well as give you enough time to decide on what major you want.
It’s your life; if you don’t love it, don’t do it. You’re 18 years old, of course it’s a tough decision to decide what you want to do for the rest of your life. It’s important, and that is why when you declare a major, it’s not set in stone your freshman year. Everyone knows that it takes time to make these major decisions in life, and most people need to experience something before they can decide if it’s for them or not.
Whether you have your life planned out and are sticking to the plan, or you are a little lost on what exactly it is you were put on this earth to do, don’t stress! It will all work out in the end. In the mean time, enjoy the twists and turns of life!
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