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From a Guy’s Perspective: Paying on Dates

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Iowa chapter.

 From a Guy’s Perspective: Paying on Dates

            As I start this article out I’m thinking that this may be a record setting short one. It’s not really debatable, but I’ve gotten asked about it (by more than a few girls) so I figure that it’s time to answer. Truthfully there are a few different ways that guys can go about this, and it means a few things, but overall there’s only one real way they should be approaching it.
            Here are the three overarching ways a guy can handle paying on dates:
1. The guy pays for every date: This is a good guy, a great guy, maybe just a rich guy but if you don’t know that for a fact take him as a very considerate guy. However, this might make some girls uncomfortable and either way it should probably be stopped by the time a relationship becomes committed. If a guy pays and pays and pays, then maybe he starts to feel like he really needs to every time, maybe you as the girl start to expect it every single time and take it as a particular offense when the guy suddenly doesn’t pay once.
2. The guy never pays: This is tricky, but it’s lame. A guy should pay for the first date. Period. Yeah, I just added a “Period” after the literal dot that was a “period” and another literal “period” after that because its that important of a point to emphasize. Yes, we want you to offer to pay, that way we feel so much better when we insist that your insisting is useless and say, “No way, I’ve got this.” Don’t over insist about it, eventually you have to “give up” and let us win, (but back to this guy who never pays…). So what are you supposed to think of this guy? What isn’t natural to think? You probably think that this guy doesn’t like you when he asks for two checks or that he has no money or that he’s no good and rude and whatever. Maybe. It’s entirely possible that one of these thoughts would cross your mind even subconsciously, and because of that a guy really should pay for the first date. The thing is that maybe he’s none of these things. Maybe it just did not occur to him that not paying would make a difference (though that kind of does make him inconsiderate… but ignore that), and if the date did go really well and both of you want to go out again, there’s no way that you should let him not paying get in the way of that.
3. The guy who does it the right way: This is somebody who pays for the first few dates, somebody who pays for the first few dates (after insisting that your insisting is useless), but will eventually let a girl pay sometimes after they start dating. Sometimes they’ll even let a girl treat for a whole night if she feels like it.

            What people need to remember is that gender roles aren’t what they used to be; a guy isn’t paying for every meal just like a guy (sadly) isn’t getting a dowry for marrying a woman anymore. Things have changed and there is no longer a defined set of rules on how to act anymore. The Bro Code has yet to replace Franklin and Washington’s codes of etiquette. Every guy is going to have a different attitude going into it and if this is the most important make-or-break issue when it comes to guys, your priorities are wrong.
            Yes, a guy should pay for the first date, but if he doesn’t its not the end of the world. When a guy changes from a guy you’re going out with to your boyfriend is the time when you decide between yourselves. 

Peter Frankman is an underclassman at the University of Iowa from Burbank, California. He has a few addictions in his life: writing, reading, heavy metal, Adult Swim, and any movie with zombies. He joined The University of Iowa's Her Campus team as the writer of the "From a Guy's Perspective" articles in January 2011 and hasn't looked back since (except to make sure he doesn't write the same article twice). Peter's a major in both Journalism and Creative Writing and hopes to become a writer in some way, shape or form after he graduates. That or the President of the United States, he hasn't really focused too much to say anything decisive yet... or maybe he has, we're not quite sure. If he had to choose a night of guilty pleasures it would include the Beastie Boys, Monster Import: Light, Zebra Cakes, and a marathon of subpar movies that he thinks are amazing (Blade, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Fast and the Furious, etc).
Nicole Lumbreras is a junior at University of Iowa, class of 2012, studying Journalism and Sociology. Born and raised in the suburbs of Chicago, Nicole loves to explore new restaurants, see live music and attend sporting events. Nicole loves to travel, dance, write in her blog and takes pleasure in the art of photography. Nicole loves to spend time with her friends and family, and when time allows she will get her fill of Bad Girls Club, Glee, So You Think You Can Dance, and Grey's Anatomy. Nicole recently got foot surgery and rediscovered running; her goal is to run a half marathon before she is 25. After college she plans to move into the city (Chicago) with a American bulldog, attend graduate school at night and hopefully write for Chicago Magazine or another fun and upcoming project.