That’s right. I asked college guys your most burning questions, so you didn’t have to. From boners to romance, five men (boys?), answer what we have been dying to know. JK, maybe, if anything, to humor ourselves. Because let’s be honest, the college “hookup culture,” has been normalized to primarily one-night-stands and swiping right has become the easiest way to uhhhh, get your needs met.
But hey, power to you, for however you go about your business. There are no right or wrong answers and sometimes a quickie in your top bunk bed, (shout-out to you, low dorm ceilings) when your roomie is in class, is just what you need.
And ladies, please remember some guys, especially in the demographic I interviewed, are still embracing the beer bongs and frat parties. College is the time in-between childhood and adulthood where we don’t have it quite figured out yet. So, with that being said, don’t take all the answers to heart, and enjoy a little laugh, because guys are not all the same and opinions are just that: opinions.
Drum roll, please…
*These are the results of surveying 150 girls, ages 18-22, compiling questions they wanted to ask college boys. The top questions were then given to 5 boys, ages 18-22, and their answers are as follows. Names have been changed for anonymity.
1. Specifically, what is the first thing that makes you attracted to a girl?
“I’m not gonna lie, looks. It’s the first thing you notice about someone. Smile, eyes, hair. Everyone has a different type. But, if you are attracted to them, you go from there. Confidence, personality, everything else.” -Steve (21)
“Personality first. I’m not lying to sound nice. Looks come second. If I don’t enjoy being around her, why would I be attracted to her? A lot of my friends would agree.” -Ben (21)
2. What happens if you get a hard-on in public?
“Flex a muscle. You’ll focus on the sensation of flexing and your boner will go down.” -Paul (18)
“Gotta tuck it man.” -Jake (20)
Wow, learn something new every day.
3. Do you like to spend the night with a girl after the first time you hookup?
“Depends what the vibes are after. If I’ve been really into her and we had a good hookup, yeah. If it seems awkward and she’s uncomfortable, I’ll take it as my cue to go.” -Steve (21)
“Yeah, no way.” -Charlie (20)
Charlie, I’m sure the feelings mutual.
4. How often do guys really watch porn?
“Twice a week.” -Paul (18)
“A couple times a week. Depends how stressed I am.” –Steve (21)
“Every day if they aren’t hooking up with a girl.” –Charlie (20)
Power to you, boys (but, remember most modern porn is an inaccurate representation of real sex).
5. What distinguishes a girl between just a ‘fling’ vs. dateable?
“Fling: you aren’t really into getting serious, you like the consistent sex over having a “title,” I might also enjoy sleeping around with others. Dateable: you like hanging with the chick and like bringing her around your friends.” -Ben (21)
“If she plays a lot of guys, and has that rep, I won’t be into it.” -Tom (22)
6. During sex, is your partner’s pleasure a high priority?
“She has to have a fun, enjoyable time too. It makes the experience better for everyone and it’s sexy.” -Steve (21)
“100%.” –Tom (22)
Ladies, if he’s lacking on his job, talk to him about it, or time to say bye-bye. Sex should be a consensual and exciting experience for BOTH parties!
7. Do you like it better if a girl is more or less experienced than you?
“I like to be more experienced. I like to show her new things, it’s cool when she gets pleasure from something she’s never tried before. Not bad either when I’m the one who showed her.” -Tom (22)
“I think it’s more attractive when a girl has experience because they are more open to trying new things. You also have a better sense of figuring out what each other likes.” -Ben (21)
8. Describe the pain of getting hit in the balls.
“Not answering this. A girl will never understand.” -Paul (18)
“Stomach pain is insane. It’s like getting the wind knocked out of you. You can’t breathe. Worst pain in the world, wouldn’t wish it on anyone.” -Ben (21)
Boys, childbirth. Need I say more?
9. Romantic sex or kinky sex?
“I haven’t been romantically attached to someone enough to know how romantic sex goes. But, if we’re getting to know each other, there is no better way to learn than some good, kinky sex.” -Jake (20)
“I never thought I’d say this when I was younger. Kinky is fun and amazing to do sometimes, but there is nothing better than romantic sex with a girl you love. It hits different.” -Tom (22)
Tom, did you intend that pun?
10. Do guys worry a lot about the size of their penis?
“Depends how it stacks up.” -Tom (22)
“Nah, as long as it works.” -Jake (20)
“Yeah, if it’s something you’re insecure about.” -Paul (18)
Yep. Insecurity is not limited to girls. But Tom, thanks for that image.
11. What is one thing you have always wanted to try in bed?
“I want my girl to take full control. That would be hot.” -Steve (21)
“Role-playing. Except, I want the girl to be in charge. Blindfolds, rope, all that shit.” -Tom (22)
12. What are your “turn-offs?”
“If a girl is drinking and they’re all over me and clumsy, I tend to stay away. I also like when a girl has confidence. If they’re too shy it’s hard to have a conversation. A lot of my boys would agree.” -Ben (21)
“If they are purposely hanging with the guys, pretending to be a ‘bro,’ just to impress someone, I don’t like that. But don’t confuse it for a ‘chill’ girl who can hang with the boys. That’s sexy.” -Charlie (20)
So, Charlie, you like it, but you don’t like it? Makes sense.
13. Do you like when the girl makes the first move?
“Depends. I prefer to take control, but it also turns me on when girls are aggressive.” –Jake (20)
“Yeah. That’s sexy and shows she’s confident in what she wants.” -Ben (21)
14. Is it hotter for a girl to wear lounge clothes or fancy clothes?
“I like when a girl is natural. She’s more comfortable.” -Jake (20)
“It’s always nice to see your girl all dressed up. When we both are, it’s fun, it can also be sexy.” -Steve (21)
15. Do you like it when a girl is vocal in bed?
“YES.” -Tom (22)
“YES YES YES YES!” -Charlie (20)
“Duh.” -Paul (18)
Girls, exhibit A, why you should never be afraid or embarrassed to speak up in bed.
So there we have it: the answers to all your most asked questions.
If you take anything away from this article, or if you simply got tired of reading it, I’ll sum it up for you.
- Every guy has a different opinion on several topics. The same goes for girls.
- Ladies, do NOT be afraid or embarrassed to speak up in and outside of bed (it can even be sexy at times).
- Women seriously have a much higher pain tolerance than men.
Tune in for an upcoming article where I ask a group of 150 guys what they most want to know about college gals. 5 lucky ladies will get their turn to answer the top requests. For now, enjoy the frat parties and beer bongs, you’re only in college once.