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Jammin’ it Out: Iowa City Writers’ Jam

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Iowa chapter.

Java House is hosting the monthly Iowa City Writers’ Jam Tuesday April 14!


The Iowa City Writers’ Jam invites writers of all styles and experience to take the stage at Java and show everyone what they got.  Whether you want to read a section of your new novel, read part of your essay for your nonfiction class, sing a song, perform slam poetry, or read that really clever and surprisingly eloquent drunk text you sent your ex, The Iowa City Writers’ Jam is waiting for you to take the stage and grab the mic. 



The Jam was started by University of Iowa students, Anna Zilbermints and Emily Molloy Brehm-Stecher, back in 2013 and has gathered not only attention from the community but from artists and performers traveling across the nation trying to showcase their talents at open mics across the states.  Show everyone what you’ve been working on for years or show the talent you’ve kept hidden from all of us.


See you there!

U Iowa chapter of the nation's #1 online magazine for college women.