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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Iowa chapter.

The start of spring marks nearing the end of the semester, midterm season, and burnout. With this past year being, probably, the most stressful year of our lives, it feels like another punch to the chest to have our spring break cancelled and given no time to rest and recuperate.

We all know the feeling of being run down, but with the warming weather and sunshine, hopefully we can all find a little something left in us to push through this final stretch.

Person running
Photo by Emma Simpson from Unsplash


It’s officially spring cleaning season, a time for all of us to freshen up our spaces and our minds and shake the monotony winter trapped us in. While it’s important to clean up our desks and homes, it’s also important to take time to do things that benefit  you mentally as well.

Cleaning, in and of itself, can help take your mind off other tasks and distract you for a short amount of time while still being productive and prepare you for the upcoming week. Having a clear space can give your brain a sense of calmness and make you less stressed. 

In addition to cleaning, though, sometimes it’s also useful to try new things to give your mind a clean slate along with your home.

a bottle of clorox, hand sanitizers and a container of lysol wipes sit on a wooden table
Kelly Sikkema | Unsplash


1. Drop a bad habit and pick up a new hobby

I like to treat spring cleaning like New Year’s resolutions on a smaller scale so I can finish out the school year strong and go into summer with a positive attitude. It can be something small or something big, but letting go of whatever negative habit you’ve got and replacing it with a positive one can change up your routine for the better. 

2. Finish those projects you’ve been ignoring

Whether it’s a job or internship application or a big school project you’ve been procrastinating, getting those finished will take a huge weight off your shoulders, and you’ll feel relieved when you have one less thing to worry about.

3. Make your health a priority

It’s so easy to get into lazy habits when you’re a college student and slammed with assignments and exams, but it’s always worth it to make an effort to improve aspects of your life no matter how small it is. Maybe it’s going to the gym once a week or finding time to make yourself a nutritious dinner every now and then, but odds are you can find something in your life to improve upon.

4. Do something for you

Parks and Recreation’s Tom Haverford and Donna Meagle said it best themselves. Sometimes you just have to treat yo’ self.

5. Get some fresh air

The sunshine and warm weather isn’t doing anything for you if you don’t take a few minutes to enjoy it! Sit outside for a little bit or work on some homework in the Pentacrest or schedule a small picnic with some friends!

Brianne is a junior at the University of Iowa majoring in Human Physiology and minoring in French. In addition to writing for Her Campus, Brianne is also a member of the Campus Activities Board. Brianne enjoys traveling, rewatching New Girl, drinking coffee, and yelling while she watches hockey games among other sports. She hopes to share her personal experiences, learn new things from others, and build connections.
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