Pancheros or Chipotle?
When you are craving some fast food Mexican cuisine which do you choose?! It’s one of the often-discussed arguments, and I want to get down to an answer…
So the first thing I went out and did was take advantage of the new Twitter feature, the survey feature. I tweeted the option of either Pancheros or Chipotle. My answers were overwhelmingly in Pancheros’ favor, being 92% Pancheros and 8% Chipotle with about 100 voters. Now that’s a big difference.. so let’s dig a little deeper into what the differences are that make one better than the other.
Both menus have very similar menus. It seems as if many people like Pancheros because of their freshly made tortillas and their delicious queso. They mix the fillings and roll the burrito perfectly. That’s an important aspect to burrito making for sure. On the contrary, Chipotle does not mix as well. Chipotle also charges based on the meat unlike Pancheros, who has each meat the same price. Pancheros charges extra for veggies unlike Chipotle though. Chipotle has fresher meat and vegetables than Pancheros does. The guacamole at Chipotle is delicious, but on the other hand, Pancheros has better queso. Many would argue that Chipotle is better for the burrito bowl because of the lack of great tortillas like Pancheros.
In regards to my survey, I have to take into consideration the audience. Pancheros is much more common in Iowa than any other state, and the majority of my followers are from Iowa, so it is a little misleading when it comes to overall consensus.
All in all, both restaurants have their own pros and cons. I would have to vote in the Pancheros direction, but I think it would be a toss up overall for many across the board.
So, whether you are a Pancheros lover or a Chipotle babe.,go out and enjoy every bite!