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Wild Bill’s Coffee Shop

This is a sponsored feature. All opinions are 100% from Her Campus.

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Iowa chapter.

Wild Bill’s is a quaint little coffee shop located in North Hall.  If you’re ever in the need to simply relax and eat a snack or need something to drink, Wild Bill’s is the place to go.  The prices here are amazing, providing treats for as little as fifty cents!  The refreshments are much the same, costing around a dollar each.  Even if you’re not looking for something to consume when you come in, Wild Bill’s has other attractions.  Take their armchairs for example.  The comfy chairs and loveseat located near the walls of the shop are incredibly comfortable.  If you’re back is hurting from sitting at a desk all day, come here and let the soft cushions of an armchair help you relax.  So, next time you’re around North Hall be sure to stop by and checkout this quirky little shop.

I am a student at the University of Iowa majoring in Journalism with a double major in English. I have always loved to read and write. I am a member of Ed on Campus with Iowa and it is this group that has really sparked my interest in magazines. Once I graduate from Iowa I hope to be hired at a magazine corporation such as Meredith or Hearst.