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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Maine chapter.

Well, the time we always dread is upon us…finals week.  While on one hand it just means we’re closer to summer, on the other it means constant stress and a nonexistent sleep schedule.  It’s hard to see the light at the end of a veeeery long tunnel when all our energy is being poured into our schoolwork.  But at the end of the day, it’s unrealistic to believe that we can gogogo non-stop for almost a week.  We need breaks not only for our health but for our productivity.  Below are some ideas that will take you away from the books for a minute to regroup and come back refreshed!


  1. Take a walk
  2. Bake/cook a yummy snack while watching some TV
  3. Call up a friend to get your mind off your studies or to cry to about how much finals suck
  4. TAKE A NAP (my personal favorite, just make sure you keep it short ladies)
  5. Work out! Nothing like some heavy lifting or hard cardio to make you wish you were back studying in the library
  6. Find a dog and pet it for as long as the owner will let you.  This always helps, without fail.  


If none of these are calling out to you, think of something you enjoy doing and take that break you’ve earned!  We all want to do well on our finals, but our brains can only work so hard for so long.  Give it the love it deserves and take that quick break then get right back to it!

Gabbi is a senior at the University of Maine studying English with a concentration in creative writing and a minor in Psychology. She hopes to write and publish her own novel one day!
Mary is a fourth year Ecology and Environmental Science major at the University of Maine, with a concentration in sustainability. Mary loves to read, spend time with her Alpha Phi sisters, cuddle with her cat, and drink coffee. She hopes to save the environment and adopt alllll the kitties.